• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Black holes just blow my mind. Even in the future, how the hell will we ever be able to study and truly understand them? Unless we find a way to break the light speed barrier, I feel like they’re going to remain as the one object we can never truly understand.

    Hmm I’ll have to read about the quantum field theory, I haven’t heard of that before.

    Thanks for the YouTube links, I can always use more space heavy channels in my life!

  • “Super Earth, our home…”

    Sorry, I get what you’re talking about but my mind has been permanently tainted to think of Helldivers now whenever I see a mention of Super Earth’s haha.

    But to be serious, I agree completely. Massive rocky planets are a fascinating topic, and the idea of a planet even more habitable for life than Earth is hard to even imagine but is a fascinating concept. I’ve also read about “evaporated” gas giants, where the star’s stellar wind has blown away the thick atmosphere of a mini Neptune and left behind just the rocky core, which is thought to have a ton of water left.

    Such a shame I wasn’t born in a future where we can casually explore space, that may never be a reality but I like to think it will be.

  • I’m kinda mixed on it so far, I feel like I should’ve gone with something like Endeavour OS or something similar. Using a more commonly used distro would simplify troubleshooting and provide a bigger user base to siphon information from. I don’t have any problems with Bazzite but I’m kinda feeling like I’m missing out by not using something a bit more complex tbh.

    I’ve read about rpm-ostree and my impression is I’d rather not use it to install anything if I can avoid it, which also feeds into my desire to use a different distro.

    Bazzite comes pre-installed with distrobox and boxbuddy, I’ll need to put more effort into learning how to use it. I’ve read up on the basics of it but I haven’t yet put in the effort to fully understand that program.

    I’ll check out that video, thank you for the link. I also wanted to say that you’ve been a massive help and I greatly appreciate all of your help that you’ve provided me! Thank you!