Rania Rudhan 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️

I’m just Aru.

Mental illnesses: depression, schizophrenia, liking men and anxiety.


  • 60 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2022


  • They were of course nationalist. But their nationalism was still ultimately inconsistent with communist politics.

    Yeah, of course, Arab nationalism is inconsistent with communist politics, but the FLN was as nationalistic as much as it was communist, it has gone to wars with other Arab countries, voted against them, and stood with them depending on the condition.

    Are you saying they were not anti-communist because they also banned other political parties? Because that is self-evidently false. Fascists also banned all other parties along with communist parties to establish a one party state. Are they now therefore not anti-communist because they also banned other political parties?

    well are they fascist Islamists because they banned all parties including communist parties? you look at the policies of the FLN and its relations to define that, not if they banned a party or not. Stalin killed a number of opportunists and Trotskyists after the revolution, does that make him a fascist? you’re not making sense.

    Additionally they were explicit in their anti-communism. Their rule extinguished the potential for communist politics, along with the rise of Islamist. The installation fo ineffective and corrupt nationalist governments has not generally led to communist political ascendency, but rather to Islamist ascendency, as the latter benefited more from the perceived illegitimacy of these governments.

    No, that is not an evidence of being anti communist, the Islamist reactionaries were funded by Al Qaeda and the US and Wahhabists, the rise of Islamist terrorists and Nationalistic terrorists in the balkans post Yugoslavia doesn’t mean that Yugoslavia repressed communism.

    I’m not really sure what your point is by noting that there were a lot of pied-noirs. Should Jor Slovo have been axed after he was part of the armed struggle against apartheid because he was white even though a communist?

    Algeria is not Apartheid south Africa, the Settlers in Algeria were more recent and the colonizer crimes were more violent, a party that majorly attracts pieds noirs and isn’t popular with natives means that the party looks for the interests of the Pieds noirs, which the PCA was, it didn’t look for the native interest, the PCA is like the socialists parties of setters in the Zionist entity. the people who fought on the side of Algeria during the revolution native or not were granted citizenship, Harkis were kicked out of the country.

    You are correct that the PCF has had persistent issues with racism and chauvinism still its inception. So did Engels, frankly. I don’t see how this invalidates communism as preferable to nationalism or indicated that the PCL was in no way communist in its ideology or politics.


    That being said, the FNL did completely did commit atrocities against progressive opponents and civilians.

    And the Fr*nch colonizers committed a thousand other for 132 years, The FLN didn’t drop nukes, Napalm or bomb in barrages, so I don’t care and I have no sympathy.

    The Algerian argument of should’ve the FLN won the revolution or not are as meaningful and important as the “how could’ve Hitler won WWII” arguments, it’s milquetoast and outright useless to complain that the FLN didn’t press the communism button in 1963 or that they bombed a milk bar, what matters is that the FLN as much as I dislike them, have and continues to be fighters of Imperialism and supporters of leftist and liberation movements in the global south.

  • The Algerian Communist Part and the FLN cooperated during the Algerian War against French occupation in the National Liberation Army. This was purely tactical from both their perspectives, as Communism is inherently anti-Islamist, and Islamism is inherently anti-communist.

    The history of Algeria and the PCA didn’t start on 1st November, The most of the PCA members were of settler pieds noirs, and it was a part of the PCF. second thing is that the FLN is not Islamist never claimed to be, it’s just that Algerians (especially the ones that were oppressed by French colonialism) were Muslims, the revolution was liberating Muslims from oppression.

    Once the French withdrew and Algeria had formal independence, the FLN was in power and banned the Communist Party in 1962. They were forced underground and would be continuously repressed and would never regain their former support or influence.

    the FLN banned every single other party after Independence, one party system.

    the rise of Islamism more generally in the Middle East and North Africa, which have presented themselves as radical alternatives based on purifying return to a mystical past and the obliteration of the distinction between religious and political institutions, diverting radical energy from communist movements

    The rise of Islamism was funded by the US and Saudi Wahhabism, the FLN went to war with 2 Islamist parties during the civil war, once again proving the FLN to not be Islamist.

    I honestly thought you were going bring up Messali El-Hadj’s party or the FFS, did you get your information from french sources? because that’s what it seems like, they always bring up the “omagaad they were basically like ISIS they ate babies”.