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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • You’re the one who said “bosses” you dunce.

    Jfc, lol. You’re the coward, sitting on the bandwagon while I stand alone in this forum and ask questions, which in your closed-minded view just makes people an enemy (bigot). What if questions helped workers or even bosses to realize something and led to a breakthrough in negotiations? Not in your sad, simpy world.

    Do you even know the composition of shareholders? How many of them are retail or middle-class investors. What proportion? Or did you not look into that? Do you not realize that? Makes sense you’d have a low-IQ though, Mr. BIGOT.

    P.S. I know I said I wouldn’t engage with your dark cesspool of a brain anymore but I couldn’t help set you straight. Blocked.

  • Who’s the billionaire? Which of the automaker CEOs? Where did that come from? Also take the CEO pay and split it with all the workers. Not much of a pay bump at all I bet.

    You are a bigot, plain and simple. You are strongly prejudiced towards ideas, other opinions, or a person or group of people that simply have questions about this. I work at a diner that serves a lot of these workers and we are worried. The plant closes, we lose a lot of business. I’ll be sure to share your closed-minded views with my colleagues who have the same questions.

    Instead of linking some cringe cartoon, look at a dictionary. I’m done engaging with your toxic vitriol. Improve your life or go away.

  • I’ll tone police you as much as I please if you’re disrepectful, honey. You lump everyone with the enemy if they provide different perspectives? I make a small fraction of what these workers make and I simply have questions. That makes me the enemy? What a close-minded view of the world you have. What if plants close and people make $0/hour? Because people listened to those like you who stifle diversity of thought?

    Thanks for that info on $47/hour. That makes $103 in benefits.

    Now, how much of that is retirement plans and pensions? Make sure you tell the workers they can’t use that money for rent though, like you suggested.