Has done art in the past.

All socials: https://bio.link/boloid

  • 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • That’s true in most cases, but i’ve had a lot more success posting stuff to my furry-specific Mastodon instance than posting hte same thing to generic Twitter and Bluesky. So there’s something to the ability to have a specific audience.

    But i genuinely have an issue when i go to upvote or reply and it tells me that i’m not logged in, and that’s when i find out that i’ve accidentally left my instance and am not logged in anymore. That kind of thing shouldn’t happen at all, it shouldn’t be this easy to accidentally land in a different instance.

  • According to the article, it’s done for market research, i.e. finding out who buys what, which is a thing businesses like to know. But also apparently it allows the machine to generate “AI-powered product recommendations”, which i guess means it tailors reccomendations to each user? Which it can do because it has a touch screen, and the touch screen itself already strikes me as full of shit.

    That’s what the article says this machine in particular does; but yes, it could totally change the price on you depending on what you look like, and all other kinds of deeply shady things. You can count on a private company to do that kind of thing and then use their favorite argument: it’s technically legal.

  • Honestly, not delivering on the promise of decentralization is what makes Bluesky functional. With Mastodon i’m constantly having federation problems.

    IMO Mastodon is more of a long play, in the sense that it will be great five years from now whereas corporate social media like Threads and Bluesky will enshittify. But as of right now, Mastodon is not super usable. I saw a lot of people move to it during the Musk era of Twitter but very few of them are staying, in fact Lemmy isn’t really retaining the users it gained from Reddit either

  • Wow people are assholes, Bluesky is a nice place to be right now. It’s still corporate social media so odds are it’ll turn bad in the coming years, but right now it’s a nice place with lots of furries.

    Though tbh i think most people who wanted an invite code already have them, even i got a code that’s how you know they’re reaching the bottom of the barrel

  • Yeah i’m that kind of guy, i have grandiose ideas that are way beyond my means so i end up never making anything. Making this comic was an exercise in modesty, where i took a simple concept (still ended up being 10 pages which is not nothing) and, for the first time, brought it into reality. And that’s the thing, it can be the greatest story idea ever, but it has no merit as long as it’s a dream, bringing it into reality is what makes it matter - and, not coincidentally, it’s also the hard part.

    Going forward i have to 1. lower my standards and 2. increase my capabilities, and if they meet in the middle then something can happen.

    Also i didn’t even mention that making this comic is how i found out i have aphantasia. I figured it wasn’t normal to find sketching this hard so i looked into it, and i found out that being unable at all to picture images in my head is not normal. For my next project i’m using Blender as a crutch. I’ve already finished a page, it looks a heckuva lot better than the above, it was a lot easier, a lot more pleasant, and it took not even a quarter as much time.