CyborgMarx [any, any]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.netto Anarchist Memes @lemmy.mlVWOOM
    6 months ago

    Yeah no, the one state is the only future, and if you’re squatting in a Palestinian family’s home your ass is getting evicted so you best come to terms with that

    I hope you enjoy your future Palestinian citizenship and can look back on your old racist self with disgust and shame, it’s honestly more than you deserve

  • Honestly dude if I lost a debate as hard as you did I wouldn’t be spouting this psychobabble diarrhea

    you believe in stuff and that’s bad cause I don’t believe in anything” is never the place you want to be in a discussion, you basically admitted you have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about and because your opponent does that somehow makes them mentally ill??? jesse-wtf

    Seriously get a grip

  • Remember when Marx chided the Paris Commune for not taking over the banks and building a robust centralized military apparatus

    Yeah of course you don’t, cause if you did you’d condemn it as “state capitalism” as if that word means anything

    What exactly should China have done in the face of US imperialism and the collapse of the Soviet Union when so much of it remained agrarian and its industrial capacity lacked the means to sustain soctial cohesion

    If your answers are simply utopian nonsense from Euro-“communist” liberals circa 1920s then frankly your definition of revisionism is bust

  • I believe that if you were to take a random sample of humanity, wipe their memories and drop them on an alien world, capitalism would happen

    Let’s think about that claim a little more carefully, why didn’t the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Arabs, the Sumerians, the Ancient Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Maya, or the Inca develop capitalism

    Why did it take 5,000 years after recorded history began for capitalism to emerge if it’s such a “natural phenomenon”

    This was done in order to perpetuate and protect the status quo in the USA for geopolitical reasons, but is not necessary for capitalism to function

    You really don’t see the contradiction in your claim? Let me spell it out; the “status quo” of the USA IS capitalism

  • what’s to stop me from accumulating wealth?

    Same thing that would stop you from pulling your pants down and sitting on a friend’s carpet or unplugging their TV and walking off with it

    You do not understand what words like anarchy, communism or capitalism mean

    Capitalism is not a natural occurrence, it requires a state to function, planning, control and above all violence; no capitalist would honor a contract if there weren’t courts to enforce them, no capitalist would feel secure if there weren’t state agents protecting their property, no capitalist in history would’ve been able to create foreign markets without European armies conquering the world

    You fundamentally do not understand the depth and scope of these discussions, you read a definition in Webster and you think you know about the way the world works? But you can’t even see the obvious facts right in front of your face

  • Capitalism in it’s true form was “I give you this, you give me that”

    So you believe capitalism existed all the way back during the neolithic and beyond, were cavemen “true capitalists”? Capital isn’t a set of goods simply traded between people, it’s circulating money tied to productive property or alienated assets

    Primitive exchange of goods requires the goods becoming the means and the ends even if money is an intermediary, under capitalism it’s capital (i.e. money) that becomes the end, while goods may or may not be the means of generation, and since money is the sole metric of success there must a set of people who work for capitalists to create that money and reproduce themselves, since goods are hidden behind said money

  • To be fair, those kinds of “anarchists” are just confused social liberals with no real theoretical grounding, it would be like comparing MLs to the worst of the neocon pseudo-trots who populate so much of western marxian space

    It’s never a good idea to succumb to sectarianism for the sake of dunking on what is essentially an online “posting-style” Marxists of any type have to focus on the real and actual conditions of capitalism, not on old ghosts or liberals engaging in radical kayfabe

    There are real anarchists out there, they’re just not online