• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • The previous videos were too long for anyone who doesn’t want to obsess about this. And this one is more pragmatic about your detergent of choice and thus more palatable for people who aren’t already fans of his.

    It’s also takes him less time to make videos like this according to the messages on his patreon.

    Personally I’m a fan of him remaking some videos like this. I can get my family to watch this a lot easier.

  • DV8@lemmy.worldtoNostalgia@lemmy.caLAN party from 2003
    1 month ago

    It would depend on the event hall. If it was in a warehouse like hall and in spring or fall, sure you’d keep your shirt on.

    If it was in a event hall with a lower ceiling, carpet on the floor and just some form of insulation it’d get crazy hot really fast. Because on top of thousands of PC’s there’d be thousands of people too. In summer it’d be even crazier. I definitely remember going shirtless at some of those lans.

  • I tend to avoid grocery stores who do that. But in Belgium at least it’s a known strategy that half the grocery stores use to make you spend more time looking for stuff.

    Luckily there’s also a store that avoids it because they want to save time of their employees and customers. So if use their app to make your list and select the location you’re going to, the app will arrange your list to be in the order you encounter everything if you follow the lines on the floor.

  • It does actually ask you if you want to sync those files if you’re installing it on W10. It’s a bit opaque in explaining the consequences in the simple wizard that allows you to enable or disable it by slider, but that’s why it’s a wizard.

    People who say it doesn’t probably just clicked next, next, next… Had a user complain about it too. Than a month later when we replaced his laptop with a W11 he was quite happy with it.

    It definitely has a very positive use case for the large majority of users.

  • Resisting the team call was dumb, imo, but that’s ofcourse debatable. I don’t agree with your perspective but I think it’s valid and not that weird.

    The part I’m referring to as a bad look if he wants to switch teams is him dive-bombing and brake checking his teammate after the race had ended. No team will want anything to do with that.

  • It was a predefined strategy. Combined with the delay in radio messages it came a lot earlier at a time when the sofas weren’t already gone.

    And regardless of whether it was a good call or not his response after the race is not a good look if he wants to move a bigger team where they need to know that people can be trusted to execute a team strategy.

  • But these “dumb rich assholes” showed absolutely not one speck of remorse with many of them not even showing up to their trials if I recall correctly.

    That’s just factually incorrect. Whether you believe their statements of remorse and sometimes statements of trauma is something else, but they showed lots of remorse…

    The rest of what you say is based on that first false premise so I wonder if you’ll change that opinion when shown what you based it on was wrong…

    And don’t get me wrong, I don’t have sympathy for these people. But to claim that this group of richer assholes got preferential treatment over this other rich asshole is silly if you’re willing to look at the facts and the sentence justifications…

  • While I agree with the initial sentiment and think there’s definitely issues with the justice system, this isn’t the example. This dude is also rich and more importantly to the court, unrepentant. He’s also misrepresenting what he did. Doxing people isn’t freedom of speech regardless of whether you should like those people.

    And intent is extremely important. The Reuzegom people got convicted for something that was an accident. I think we can all agree on that, no? Yes, they’re dumb, rich assholes who could afford expensive lawyers, but it was not their intention to kill someone. Make them really sick, take stupid pictures, sure. And that should matter. What this rich influencer did, he did intentionally to make money. This also matters. Even this he’s using to make money ffs.

    For profit, intentional lawbreaking without repentance should be punished harsher than accidents. Even if the consequences of the accident is a LOT more severe.

  • Command line stuff on Windows (server) is in a pretty decent state now, imo. It’s not perfect but more and more is manageable with powershell. It took some time to really grok that you’re basically always working with objects but I’m a big fan and now quite dislike having to deal with just “text” output when I do something in Linux. (Probably also because I need to do a lot less in it so I’m not used to it as much)

    Personally again I also like the naming scheme much more than how it’s done in bash. If I need to do something I don’t know I can search the command by using logical words. E.g. I want to change the properties of a service but don’t know the command by heart I can use

    Get-Command service

    And I’ll get a list of all commands that contain the word service.

    When it comes to admin privileges you simply have the privileges of the account you used to start the session, which has its’ own dangers I suppose since it requires you to maintain account hygiene yourself.