Pickle Pincher

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • I mean downvote me if you want but, if you’re suicidal it’s prob like winning the lottery. No work on your part to make sure the deed completes successfully instead of leaving yourself alive and in a ton of physical pain, no bailing out at the last second because of some bullshit excuse or unforseen flaw in the plan, no having to write some pathetic fucking letter apologizing to your family, you basically got what you want completely guilt free because all the blame goes on the cop. You get to abandon your existence but now someone else handles all the details and you have a legit excuse to not be the one to traumatize your family and your death actually may do good by perhaps stopping unhinged cops that do otherwise shitty things.

  • From the bottom of my heart, fuck you Pfizer. I have had Covid twice, had my blood oxygen drop as low as 79, and I would still rather die a miserable covid death than suffer the injustice of being greed raped by the absolute worst caricature of capitalist pigs that actually came to life. I hope that money makes your board members miserable and can’t do much to treat the uncurable, flesh eating disease your evil pig carcasses should be justifiably riddled with by karma, leaving your kids to donate your disgustingly afforded estate to charity to cleanse themselves of the nasty aftertaste of human suffering, the faint stink of people who are trying to take paxlovid and recover from a major virus in the rain and vulnerable cold because they can’t afford both rent and medicine, after your death. Burn in hell, you uncaring scum.

    EDIT: I realize this is a lot of vitrol to throw out into the universe, but they likely won’t ever see this on Lemmy, and to make matters worse they clearly won’t care anyway. It’s just my own version of catharsis, I guess