• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s a good show. I just finished it. As for the politics of it, the show isn’t Marxist despite its anger at the super rich.

    The show makes a number of mistakes in its analysis of the world. Firstly, it acts as though the problems of Capitalism began in the 1980s. We know that Capitalism has always been horrific. The show also falls for the Great Men Fallacy. At one point we see all of the the bad, rich people who run the world in a room together. Capitalism is more pervasive than that. The guy who owns a fast-food franchise is just as much a Capitalist as a CEO. These mistakes work for the themes of the show, however. It is a show about hacking and conspiracies. In reality, a group of super hackers can’t expose the big bads who rule the world and steal their money, but it does make for an entertaining show.

  • There are lots of options for open source licenses. Most of them will make your code changeable and runnable by anyone. The question is: does someone who takes your code and changes it have to do the same thing?

    If you don’t care if someone takes your code, makes changes, and then close sources it all, then the MIT, Apache, or BSD license is for you.

    If you want to keep each file you made open source, but let someone mix-in close source files, go with the MPL (Mozilla Public License)

    If you want to keep your project open source, but don’t care if a closed source project links to it and uses it as a library, then go with the LGPL.

    If you want to keep your project open source and force anyone who links to it to be open source as well, use the GPL.

    If you want to require even more openness, take a look at the AGPL. This requires anyone who uses your code to release their changes, even if they only run the code on their own servers and never ship the code to users.

    I personally like the MPL. I want to keep any direct changes to my work open forever. But if someone wants to fuse in closed source code, I don’t mind. It’s not a super popular license though. Most people go with the BSD/MIT/Apache licenses or the GPL.

  • I watched the first season and swore it off after the ending. It felt like none of the characters had real motivations, they just acted in whatever way would result in the biggest twists for the viewer. There was also a ridiculous part where a character is given a padd that says there are bombs all over Qo’noS. It’s just assumed that everyone will believe this and she can take over.

    All I heard about later seasons was that there was a “time-traveling Ironman suit”. Which did not make it seem like the show had improved.