• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • I don’t get NixOS

    It’s not for everyone. The idea is to have your entire system reproducible with a few configuration files, which you’d then ideally store in a VCS like git.

    I haven’t messed with it, but there is something appealing about the ability to reboot to an older snapshot of the system if an update breaks something, or being able to use a config file to restore your system to the exact OS version and exact versions of whatever apps you use.

  • but I want music streaming

    Hey, that’s fine & I get it - so much easier to shuffle a playlist than figure out which album you won’t mind hearing front-to-back again. I’m eyeballing old iPod Classics for that - I’ve seen folks mod them with sizable drives and better batteries. Dunno that I want to put in the effort, myself, but I love the idea of “upcycling” old tech.

    Getting back to my original reply: my main point was you don’t need these conveniences, much less having them built into your phone. Yep, music streaming is wonderfully handy & I use it every day, but practically speaking there are other methods.