• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Maybe I’m at the prime old judgemental age of almost being in my 30’s, but I can’t stand the designs for a lot of EV only cars. To the point where I have little to no interest in buying one that isn’t a (heavy) EV redo of an existing car. These EV only cars look forced futuristic to the point where they look impractical or just kinda dumb. Like the van they made looks like a box on wheels (the cabin did look cool from the concept art admittedly). BMW has this issue too with some of their EV only cars. There was no level of excitement added to it, nothing fun about it just forced futuristic with muted colors, super soft or rough angles, weird shapes, odd features, all that sorta stuff. And where are the mirrors on the Saloon? I suppose they’re probably just cameras, but to me that’s just something else electronic that’ll break, or it’s a menu screen that you can’t see when you’re trying to adjust the temperature on a different menu screen. I feel like a regular dashboard with tactile buttons was perfectly functional. And where is the wheel? I get some vehicles like the Cybertruck and other Tesla’s have the adjusted turn radius for the lack of a wheel (I’m assuming that’s what these have too), but the wheel is better because you have more points of contact and the turn radius can still be adjusted. I don’t know, maybe I’m too poor to know any better cause I can’t afford fancy cars like that, but the car looks silly and I’m upset about it. I suppose things could be worse. Just needed to get my two cents in.

  • I don’t think he’s wrong about the busy release year and I would even agree that most people didn’t expect Baldur’s Gate to be as massive as it was. I think everybody knew it’d be big, but it pulled in a significant amount of people that likely never imagined playing D&D. There are probably people who have had sex playing it. I don’t know what the numbers are, but from the amount of people that played it in early access I’d imagine way more actually bought the full game after hearing the good praise it got. I also think he should acknowledge that Immortals shouldn’t have been a near full price ($59.99 USD) game; that’s honestly my only issue with the game. It’s got good gameplay, a fun over-the-top story and it’s a new IP that doesn’t have scummy monetization practices. It’s a perfect buy on sale game that will surprise more people than not.

  • I will also say, when I worked at a highschool a few years ago (I’m now middle school) a male teacher did pipe up about a student whose skirt was so short that he could see their underwear and buttocks and the parents called him a pedophile for trying to, “Look at their daughter,” however, he only complained because he was uncomfortable. A pedophile probably wouldn’t have said anything. Like I said, I don’t think there is going to be any one size solution. It’s pretty annoying. I do agree, school staff should be held to a high standard, but just in general. Teaching is a profession and we should present ourselves as professionals. I’m sorry if your experience with schools made you feel like teachers don’t care about students as real people. In my experience, being on staff at the district I went to, all the teachers I work with spent years in school learning how to help because they genuinely care for the kids.

  • I currently work in a school, and it can be very awkward walking up steps when students have incredibly short shorts, skirts, dresses, ect. The amount of underage skin (glutes, a little too much cleavage, and male nipples with loose tank tops) genuinely makes me feel uncomfortable and it’s not like I’m trying to see anything. There is no one solution to make everybody happy, and I don’t think uniforms are great or terrible, but I think it would always be better to air on the side of caution and establish standards/ dress codes. Almost every profession has standards and dress codes too, so I don’t see what’s wrong with trying to get students in the habit, at least in highschool when they start getting into the work field. Idk, disagree with me if you want, but I think this is reasonable.

  • I deal with it pretty well, all and all, but I think I’m pretty mild compared to most. I was diagnosed back in 2004 when doctors were handing Adderall out like candy so I do have a diagnosis, most people say they can see that I have it, so I’m inclined to believe that I do. I don’t need medication anymore and I feel much better because of that. I hated Adderall, it just gave me terrible headaches and made me thirsty. Withdrawals sucked too because I would have massive mood swings.

    However, growing up I was very fortunate to have parents that understood and did what they could to teach me replacement behaviors for when I was over the top jittery. They kept me active in sports and had things around the house for me to get energy out and still be mentally alert. We had a trampoline, a basketball goal, a swing set, stuff like that. Nowadays I work out regularly, I have a job that allows me to be flexible day to day while still providing routine (I work for a school district). I play video games, my wife and I watch TV shows, I’m involved with church, I love to go play sports with friends, and I cook so I generally stay distracted from being obnoxious with my need to always be moving. I’ve also turned more into an introvert the older I’ve gotten so I get and like alone time.

    Some things are annoying like forgetting everything. I can’t leave my house with our missing one or two things. It can be very important things that if I already left and I’m like 2 minutes from where I need to be, I’ll have to turn around, be incredibly late, and waste the extra time to go back and grab it. I regularly forget where I put things, why I walked into a room, and it makes reading an unbearable chore because I get distracted every sentence if I’m not interested in the material. It makes training for work hard. My wife can get frustrated because I forget things she tells me left and right or I’ll drift in thought mid conversation and miss something important. I’m very lucky to be married to the woman I am (for many reasons beyond this, she’s just simply amazing) because she understands mental disorders like ADHD (she’s a sped teacher who deals with it on the reg). She knows it’s not my goal to forget and she’s very patient and forgiving. I have a fidget cube that I regularly use in coversstion to keep my brain happy with endorphins too. It can be frustrating having intrusive thoughts left and right during important discussions. Patterns of addiction can be very hard to overcome. I specifically haven’t done hard drugs or drank alcohol because of this. Growing up I was super addicted to video games and sugary food and I don’t know that I’ve ever really kicked either habit despite putting an honest effort to do so. Sometimes I feel like I can’t be myself around people I’ve known for years because I can be a little overbearing and meeting new people who aren’t used to high energy or impulsive talk can be hard; however I am fortunate to have a large friend group who love me for me.

    All in all I’m a happy person and I have stuff that bothers me like everybody else, but finding things I enjoy, keeping myself busy, physically and mentally, helps a lot. Milage varies from person to person, but I hope this helps somebody who may need help with ADHD get some tips on managing energy or to let people know what ADHD can look like.

    Edit: I also love photography and nature so I go on hikes and take pictures as a way to relax. I think that’s something anybody can do is enjoy walking outside and getting energy out that way.

  • I see, and I hope I’m not coming off as patronizing or anything; however, what happens at the end of the 6 years if you fail to pay everything back? From my understanding of 0% interest loans (which I’m not a particularly financially savy person), if it’s not paid back by the end of that time (6 years in this case) you’ll most likely receive huge penalties. Not only to your credit score, but also to your wallet since you’ll probably be required to pay back much more at that point. Maybe you don’t make regular monthly payments, and there are no immediate penalties, but at the end of those 6 years you’ll still owe what’s left. I’d rather make a bunch of $350 payments than one $12.5k payment. Unless you could afford that, I just don’t think most people can ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    I just think staying in your current payment plan would be best. No matter what, you’d have saved at least $350 for your car each month, you might as well just pay it as it goes. Don’t pay it of too early it anything, but do what you can to reach that end goal. I could be wrong, but I doubt a car dealership would give out an untimed, pay whenever you want loan to somebody. Most dealers are out to make money and giving somebody a loan like that wouldn’t do them any favors. Even if you have good credit.

  • It’s never a good idea to try and screw somebody over that’s given you a good deal, not that I’m saying that’s your intent; however, that being said, I would pay the loan and not take advantage of it, just to be safe. It’s good for your credit score, it’ll erase debt, and you don’t know what could happen in the next few years. Medical accident, have a kid, get married, can’t work, get paid off, something, anything that can happen to somebody. You wouldn’t want some $12.5 grand just hanging around in debt. No matter what, that’ll have to be paid off some way, some how. Better to get it out of the way in my book, especially if you can right now. If you have a financial planner or fiduciary I’d talk to them too for questions like this. Not degenerates like me. Hope that’ helps. Not trying to scare you, but I don’t ef with debt.

  • Gen IV, solely because of HGSS. Gen II holds a special place in my heart. Gen I is were I started, but I found Gen II to be everything I ever wanted in a game. Until HGSS changed that by making it almost perfect.

    Honorable mentions: I’ve really like gen XI because of all the quality of life changes, the story was surprisingly emotional (not great, but better than any other gens as far as I’m concerned), and the terastilization is cool as hell. It genuinly changes up how I plan my teams and I get to experiment with Pokemon I don’t usually like or that have types that ruin them. Gen VI was dope too. Megas were awesome and ORAS is the definitive way to experience gen III.

    Edit: Also, Gen VIII because legends Arceus was refreshing as heck. Genuinly made meaningful changes for the better and felt good to play. Despite being a much more limited experience. It was focused and fun. Probably my second favorite Pokemon game. SHSW were pretty weak, all things considered, but Legends Arceus was special.

  • Too many for me. Fallout 4: I have always loved the Abbot house family affairs. I know that’s not the name of the quests, but I love all the things with them from Fallout 4. Hole in the wall is a standout. I also loved the murder mystery Vault in Far Harbor. I hated the quest finding Kellog, where you have to follow Dogmeat for 20 minutes.

    Fallout 3: I also really like the Wasteland Survival Guide, Tenpenny Tower, You Gotta Shoot em’ in the head, Oasis, and Agatha’s Song.

    New Vegas: Where’s the Beef, Come Fly With Me, almost any new Vegas strip quests, especially the stuff with Gomorrah. I hate There Stands the Grass, or any Vault 22 quests. Fuck that place.