• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • What is inside these things, from a chemical perspective, and what are the kids breathing into their lungs?

    In most cases insanely high concentration nicotine salts. Back before corpos got a hold of them, most everyone vaping used nicotine freebase in concentrations <20mg/ml. Freebase absorbs slowly, you had to work hard with 20mg/ml to get a headspin, like hyperventilating for a minute. Also less addictive. Salts absorb much faster, and the disposables (disgusting waste, but that’s the profit model) are at 50+mg/ml, so the dopamine hit is a lot more instant. Of course, cigarette manufacturers have been finding additives to make their products more addictive since at least the 1950s, so whether or not and how long before those things make their way in is anyone’s guess.

    You can still get reusable vapes and freebase nicotine, and it’s still the most effective way known for smoking cessation, but the enshittification has basically happened.

  • Fair cop on the inconveniences, although I’ve found it fine after an adaption phase, coming from fedora it was lesser than hopping to a new distro. Hard agree on knowing the nuances being problematic, clarity and accessible education is sorely missing, certainly the steepest part of the learning curve.

    I just run ‘distrobox upgrade -all’ in my Daily.service, didn’t need quadlets (although after adaption I quite like them for containers now).

  • Why would I use a system that isn’t supposed to change if I want to change it?

    There’s a bunch of benefits, atomic updates, intrinsic rollback, security of immutability, safe automatic updating and it goes on. Some things are not quite ready yet, e.g. things like sddm which should probably install themes to /etc (which they’re working on), so as often happens in linux, workarounds ensue. Making one directory mutable does not destroy all the benefits.

  • Yeah, I had that at the beginning, then added to my fstab

    #enable sddm and therefore good themes
    /var/sddm /usr/share/sddm none rbind 0 0

    and KDE themes with sddm components install fine now (most themes install fine into /home, does Gnome really not have per user themes?)

    Essentially you can tactically make things mutable as needed, use sparingly, but maybe not even trying lessens your opinion, no?