• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • You stated it with the ad hominem attacks and the nastiness, just because of what you assumed I believed rather than actually what I believe.

    This is what I mean, discourse is dead. I got dog piled for saying I’m less leftist than when I was younger, which is a cardinal sin in threads like this. Because people see things in black and white they think you’re basically Trump if you say something like that.

  • Leftists are the most condescending and smug people around.

    They disparage the proletariat as being brainwashed and infantilise them rather than just accepting the fact people think they’re dicks.

    Whenever you respond to them they just tell you to read theory or gish gallop.

    They oversimplify solutions. Left populism is absolutely dangerous to young people in this political climate.

    Many are more concerned with out virtuing each other rather than constructing workable movements for change that being people along with them.

  • I’ve never watched Fox News in my life.

    I don’t want to respond to people who just assume I’m American as is the case here. It makes it very difficult to even have a proper discussion.

    I have no qualms with the people who just want to improve society in sensible ways, but you know the cohort I am referring to. These people arent your allies and are just as blind as the far right. They are over represented on Lemmy as you astutely observed.

    Please open your eyes to how the right has driven the left to mimic them.

  • I’m not going to talk about public transport because it ostensibly is an incredibly localised issue.

    I will say that most liberals are definitely not opposed to measures to combat climate change, it’s just that those measures need to be sensible and realistic and most importantly costed.

    I also have never met liberals that are opposed to regulation of fossil fuel industries, but again the measures need to be sensible as the world economy is still reliant on oil and gas.

    Causing giant economic crashes is the absolute worst thing you can do to combat climate change. Money, whether you like it or not, rules the world and dictates what we can do. Good intentions can have bad outcomes, this is absolutely what many don’t understand.