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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Police helicopter circling near my kid’s school. Distracting…

    In unrelated news: I have never clipped a cat’s claw before. When we adopted our void cat in February she desperately needed her claws clipped as they had curled under, almost pushing into her paw. We had them clipped at the vet and since then she has been great at using the many scratching posts we have. But I knew that if I could clip her claws it would be an added bonus.

    Today, with the assistance of a treat, I did 3 claws! Just small clips and I stopped as it felt like an excellent start. No scratching or biting. One hiss but a bit of the treat helped her. Made sure not to go too low.

  • Seeking suggestions for a cafe, open Saturday afternoons till 5pm or later, around Greensborough or surrounding suburbs.

    Catching up with bestie and wanna take her somewhere noice without deafening music but good coffee. Focus here is being able to talk freely and hear each other.

    Every place I’ve checked so far closes at 2 or 3pm. And this is just a coffee (& maybe cake) catch up.

    Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks.