• 7 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月8日


  • Not hard at all! I got some of those seedling trays that come with the lid that allows for easy bottom watering and basically just watered once every week or two. Kept it under a grow light for 12 hours a day and had a heating pad under it set to 22° C (it was in the basement so I didn’t want it getting too cold). Now I just water it once a week and let it do its thing! It seems to really like the bonsai mix.

  • Polkira@lemmy.caOPtoHouseplants@mander.xyzFungus Gnat Help?
    4 个月前

    Thank you for the recommendation! I’ve definitely considered carnivorous plants. Actually I ended up throwing all my plants in water last month (except for some succulents which weren’t part of the problem) to convert all of my plants to a semi-hydro system instead. I haven’t seen a fungus gnat since! Once it warms up outside and I can rinse off the substrate with a hoze I’ll be potting them up in a soilless mix.

  • Hey so you actually can make it so an email address doesn’t log into the account, it’s how I stopped one particularly persistent hacking attempt when they finally managed to crack my password but were stopped by 2fa. Go to your profile > account info > sign in preferences, then as long as you have an alias email on the account you can deselect ones that you don’t want to be able to be used as a log-in.

  • Polkira@lemmy.caOPtoHouseplants@mander.xyzFungus Gnat Help?
    7 个月前

    I could try that, I think I’ll try the sand tip first to see if that helps before repotting everything (been trying to avoid that since it’s such a huge undertaking at this point). I only have the one fern, I have a bunch of epiphytes (a bunch of pothos, couple hoyas, a small monstera, etc.), no ficuses. I was considering switching my alocasias to leca but was intimidated by the change in care, I’ll have to do some reading up on it.

    Would watering for clay basically be the same as soil? water when dry?

  • Polkira@lemmy.caOPtoHouseplants@mander.xyzFungus Gnat Help?
    7 个月前

    I was considering sundews and was actually just checking for some at my local nursery but only saw venus fly traps and pitcher plants. I also don’t know if I’d be able to keep a sundew alive, how have you found the care for them? I’d say I’m still intermediate with skill level, I only started keeping more than 1 plant in April (up to ~50ish now but most were cuttings from friends so they’re all still fairly small)

  • Polkira@lemmy.caOPtoHouseplants@mander.xyzFungus Gnat Help?
    7 个月前

    Unfortunately mosquito bits aren’t available in Canada. I’ve been letting them dry out between so I’m surprised they just come right back, I’m wondering if it’s to do with my plants all being watered at different intervals so there’s always at least one plant that has moist soil. Would the clay/rock work for all plant types? I’ve been using 1 part perlite, 1 part potting mix, and 1 part orchid bark for most of my plants since it tends to stay more humid where I am and takes forever to dry otherwise. The few succulents I have are mostly in 50/50 perlite and cactus mix.