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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • To my understanding, part five is a trip down memory lane. That is, it covers a bunch of information on Rockerfeller, The Standard Oil Company, and other industrial giants.

    edit: removed misguided dribble

    edit: Aw, picking on the new guy? 🙁 Alright, I guess I can go back to just watching. I admit this has been on my mind a lot. I don’t really want to talk about anything else. I haven’t been able to find anything else that refutes the claims. I’m kind of shook. There’s lots of historical documents sourced. I guess we could argue that the historical documents are wrong?

    I don’t know. I guess I believe that it’s not so far fetched that a few of the humans before us were smart enough to know and understand how to gain control of the majority of shares of lots of major supply chain companies. Hell, isn’t JP Morgan still around making decisions with the private banks that print all the money for the US, The Federal Reserve? (Haha! A tie back to the original topic of the thread… kind of.)

    It’s not like I can go around in public saying “hey, did you hear that a bunch of investment firms in the US all own majority shares of every major brand, infrastructure company, and each other?”

    They’d put me away… 🤡