• 136 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • You’ve created a title that has absolutely nothing to do with the article.

    Right, it’s my cheeky editorial. It’s a crosspost so of you want to know what the article is really about just read the original tittle.

    THIS IS THE POINT. You’re taking two completely different things, one of which isn’t even covered in the article you posted, and conflating them to act as though they’re the same thing.

    No I’m not. 70% of all rentals are owned by Mom and Pop landlords. Boomers are 2/3rds of all homeowners. These small towns are primarily occupied by Boomers who greed drove out families from small towns and locals that were actually interested in staying. I can tell you living in a big city I meet lots of small town people and many of them say there were driven out by greedy landlords and had to take better paying jobs in the city.

    Elderly people stay in these small towns BECAUSE THEY CAN AFFORD TO. Often because THEY OWN REAL ESTATE. Working families leave BECAUSE THEY CAN’T AFFORD TO STAY even if they would like to.

    People like you act like it’s some mystery why young people leave and old people stay in small towns even though nominally homes are cheaper. IT’S BECAUSE IT’S NOT ACTUALLY CHEAPER.

    These old boomers are entrenched economically so they gut services like schools because they don’t need them, enriching themselves further, then wonder why families don’t want to stay in a place where they’ve got to do everything themselves.

    What? What are you talking about? The average person can absolutely just buy land.

    No the average person can’t develop real estate.

    I’m going to need to see a citation on that. In Georgia, for 2022 the overall state crime rate is 20.10/1000 people. The five counties that comprise Atlanta - Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Gwinnett, and Clayton - are 30.5/1000, 40.25/1000, 17.16/1000, 14.54/1000, and 9.85/1000 respectively.

    Large blue cities like Chicago have lower crime rates than many Midwestern red cities and towns.

  • Nothing in this comment refutes what I said. You’re cherrypicking income from cities with cost of living in rural areas.

    100k is affordable in medium sized city with a medium income of 75k but these rural areas have median incomes as low as 25k where it’s unattainable.

    And no the average person just can’t buy land. That’s like asking someone to just build their own car. Totally possible, been done before by many people, but not realistic.

    And no a remote job isn’t the answer because a lot of these remote rural “cheap” places don’t have reliable high speed internet. Sometimes they don’t have internet at all.

    Lastly these areas lack critical services which you’ll have to obtain and pay for yourself somehow. Maybe this “cheap” rural house requires a 3 hour drive to see a specialist. Now someone with a chronic illness is paying an extra couple hundred dollars a month to see a doctor. No city sewer or water, time to dig a well and septic tank. The corrupt city relies on tickets as their primary revenue stream, whoops there’s another few hundred bucks. Long commute means you gotta hire a babysitter until the evening, that’s 10’s of thousands of dollars out the window again.

    Study after study has shown that living in poor rural areas is MORE expensive than living in “expensive” cities because of the lack of services and economic opportunity.

    Employer won’t give you a raise, and they’re the only major employer in the area so you’re screwed? Add that opportunity cost to the cost of a “cheap” rural home.

    This doesn’t even touch on the quality of life issues. Your kid got hooked on meth because your podunk town is utterly devoid of culture or activities? Well at least you have that 100k “cheap” home. Oh and BTW crime per capita is much worse in rural red states than big scary blue cities.

  • They say neither Pennsylvania nor the nation can afford to lose small towns and the institutions that power them.

    Lol, why?

    Not only are they a touchstone of American life,

    Very often a hard and poverty stricken life.

    but they are also key to driving certain sectors of the economy, like agriculture.

    What’s stopping farms from being built next to suburbs or even within cities with the tech we have now.

    These boomers are why over romanticizing how “good” small town life was. What they’re really sad about is disproportionate political power our anti democratic electoral college gave them and the unchecked tin pot dictatorships they often held over small towns. Being able to get away with literal murder sometimes because they personally knew the cops and judges.

    They couldn’t care less about the poor quality of life that most citizens of these small towns had. If they did they would have made the necessary investments to attract people (like a handful of small towns have).