Alt account of [email protected]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I just don’t think the US should be involved in the region, full stop, and therefore I am opposed to the US narrative on happenings in Xinjiang. There’s no need for overanalysis or splitting hairs on the definition of genocide here.

    I agree that the US has been meddling too much in foreign affairs. While I think China should be handling it better, China should be the one to fix that.

    As for use of force against civilian protestors: If these protestors are foreign agents of the US, they should of course be cracked down on so long as doing so doesn’t grow popular support for the movement.

    Meanwhile r/conservative is unironically saying that “if capitalism is so powerful that we can absolutely devastate a country simply by refusing to trade with them, maybe that’s a sign that the U.S. system works and ought to be emulated.”

  • In all honesty, I think the more damning part of what you linked would be everything after the part you mention specifically.

    I think so too. That’s what I was trying to draw attention to.

    I don’t know what to do with the document since it does seem bad

    I suspect it’s a complicated issue. Consider that there were at least two UN letters from 2019, one criticizing and one supporting. Note both of them (including yours above) were signed by members and not ratified by the entire UN or anything. Reference supporting existence

    In general, I think it’s likely that some of the critics are being disproportionately critical because it’s China, and some of the defenders are so quick to dismiss it for the same reason.

    While perhaps some of the louder US critics should think harder about mass incarceration in the US, I would suggest both countries work to treat their citizens better.

  • Hey, I’m an unsure socialist on the sidelines confused about this propaganda war. I’m not sure who’s actually saying what here.

    if i were told there is no Uyghur genocide

    Even granting that calling it “genocide” could be a stretch, and that US actions toward its minorities might be similar, does that make whatever China is actually doing worth defending though?

    Also, I asked for a definition of tankie behavior on Blahaj and got this:

    Defending the use of force against civilians expressing disagreement over their government’s decisions peacefully?

    Is that really a view anyone takes here?

    P.S. If a class war broke out, would you have any concern that the result would be authoritarian?

    P.P.S. I hope you don’t mind me asking here. It’s been on my mind and wasn’t sure how to ask.

  • There are right-wing cocksuckers in every army, in every nation. Weirdly enough fascists and nationalists love to join the army hmmmm

    Sure, but you’re conveniently ignoring the issue of prevalence. As an extreme example, do you think the US military and Nazi Germany had the same amount of Nazis?

    They’re all lining up to join Russia again.

    Even Ukraine? Wouldn’t you think they’d embrace Putin with open arms then instead of bothering to fight back then?

  • Not the person you responded to, but I’m in the US (which technically does have a border with Russia). At least in the state I grew up in, the education system definitely had anti-communist propaganda in the schools.

    You don’t have to support Russia, but you shouldn’t deny facts. It’s well-known that the Azov Battalion has Nazis prevalent.