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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • I’ve noticed this, though I use Boost. I thought it was just my instance since I would consistently get 502 errors, but things have been loading very slowly on other instances too.

    The instances are not guaranteed to run on good hardware and the nature of defederation means you are at the mercy of the weakest link in many scenarios. It is the nature of the beast.

  • It’s not just your memory. The devs for the definitive edition have been working to remake the navigation subsystem for some fuckall reason. It gets progressively worse every patch.

    The original pathfinding was much better and felt more fluid and responsive.

    They are already changing a few of my favorite things about the original version of AoM so some wind is already out of my sails. I hope they don’t unnecessarily change things for the sake of change and make it worse.

  • Most of these changes are welcome. The Swashbuckler change feels weird since it removes some strategy. Joker positioning is actually important and fun, so removing effects that enforce that mechanic is a little sad for me.

    Guaranteeing a joker booster pack in the first store is a very necessary change since RNG on even getting a joker has screwed more than one run for me, but at the same time it almost feels like a required purchase which indicates some sort of design flaw.

  • These clowns still not realizing that wealth and trickle economics are mutually exclusive. By definition wealth is the hoarding of resources beyond one’s necessities. One does not get wealthy by releasing their wealth.

    These people will not make more jobs. They will reduce the number of jobs, pay less and expect more, and hoard the extra wealth created by the hard work of their workers.

    This past year tech companies have reported record profits while also seeing one of the highest layoff counts in years.