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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • The copyright lobby is crazy powerful and pretty scary.

    The whole Kim dotcom raid comes to mind. At the request them, the USA strong armed authorities to storm the guys mansion in new Zealand using helicopters and raid teams, punching and kicking him while he was on the floor, holding him for a month without a bail hearing, seized his assets and trying to extradite him because people were using his storage platform to store copyrighted material - which wasn’t even against new Zealand laws at the time.

    He later brought a legal suit against them for it and it was settled under wraps and sealed


    Rights holders are also why your streaming platform prices keep getting more expensive because they just can’t control their greed. People keep complaining Netflix pricing keeps going higher for example but a big part of it is because they are being squeezed for more and more money by rights holders to have their content in their catalog

  • Honestly that’s not our problem to solve. If we disagree with a business model we can choose not to use it, the onus isn’t on us to find another one for the business.

    If your product isn’t worth paying for that’s a you problem and if your business goes under because it wasn’t sustainable that’s also a you problem.

    Is pretty likely that the business offered nothing new or innovative at a price people would part with their money for and just because you want to start a competing business in a market means nothing.

    Competition is great but no business is entitled to a piece of the market solely because they want to exist. There’s no point being a carbon copy of an existing service if you expect people to pay when your offering already exists somewhere else and if you want people to pay your business instead of another you need to improve something or create something of benefit for them to at a price point both sides can work with.

  • Not only garbage repost content but garbage reposts of other people’s content.

    Reddit posters as a majority are barely more than content thieves and reddit helped themselves by implementing their own internal image and video hosting keeping people inside their site - meaning people will take content they don’t own, rehost it on reddit and completely deprive the creator of views and revenue and reddit gets to put their own ads in between all the stolen content.

    The way DMCA takedown requests work mean they can hide behind the safe harbour clause and take the content down if they receive a report from the content owner or rights holders. By the time a creator or rights holder sees their content on the front page, file the takedown and reddit process it - the post has peaked anyway and those million views are already stolen.

    Then the icing on the cake is when users give reddit money to buy gold awards to give a shitty little icon to the person who rehosted someone else’s content they have zero rights to.

    It’s a massive network of content theft that reddit profits from and now this shit added into the mix is actually pretty disgusting.