Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian | Depressed

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • So many parts of the show are great but have been smothered by parading around Michael Burnham and trying to give her the world that she doesn’t deserve. The new season showed her to be an outright psychopath who is willing to put the needs of the many above the needs of her relationship. And that was in Episode 1. Every episode from there demonstrated how the writers of the show did not give a singular fuck about anyone or anything other than Burnham. The final scene of the series ends on something that, when you give it a second of thought, is HORRENDOUSLY FUCKED UP. Especially when we saw a glimpse of what that kind of thing would do to someone (hint, it’s really not good) and they still fucking do it anyway.

    I am so sick of Sookie Michael and her stupid fairy vagina and her unbelievably stupid name. FUCK SOOKIE Michael.

  • Season 4. Characters are learning and growing and carrying on. Ends with a big event and a satisfying open ended narrative conclusion.

    Season 5 undoes every ounce of character development and abandons every single character that isn’t Michael Burnham. Throughout the season various characters keep dropping with no explanation, slowly whittling down. The tacked on epilogue for the entire series does not have a single line from any Discovery-crew main character that isn’t Burnham. She gets 20 minutes of bullshit about her that ends with the most wildly unsatisfying narrative tie-in to something else. A tie-in that undoes everything that happened since Season 3 and leaves a future that is objectively depressing and hopeless. And that’s not even talking about the fact that Burnham does something in the first episode of the Season that is worse than mutiny. What she does in that first episode is so overwhelmingly fucked up that it proves she didn’t learn a singular fucking thing.

    It is fucking mindboggling to me that the final season was greenlit.

  • Ah okay I see where you’re coming from. I’m just so incredibly stuck on how much of a categorical failure Burnham is in every facet of a Starfleet captain that I haven’t even attempted to compare her to anyone else. By every single measure I can think of she fails that test.

    Janeways tough call was weather or not to protect a race she had never heard of at the cost of her and her crew being likely stranded and remain stranded for the rest of their lives. She tried everything else in her power to do otherwise but accepted the ultimate cost when needed.

    Burnhams tough call was blasting her friend out of an airlock or the death of all sentient life. She tried everything in her power to do otherwise but did not accept the ultimate cost. Nhan had to blast her from the airlock. Time was running out. It was up. Burnham did nothing but scream. Honestly… when has that changed in the newer seasons? Unless it directly serves her, she doesn’t make tough calls. People have to force her into it. Fuck sakes earlier in that same season she found Spock and it was Sarek who had to force her to turn Spock into Starfleet, pointing out she would lose everything all over again. Then in Season 3 she has this whole bit about whether or not she belongs in Starfleet, it coming really to a head in that kickass episode with Mama Burnham and Ni’var, Unification III. She says she doesn’t know. Had she fucking ever?!

    Every other Captain we have followed puts Starfleet first or the needs of the many first. Burnham just… doesn’t. It’s all about her. On one hand the show is entertaining but on the other hand it sits squarely in a universe where how to be a good Captain has been readily defined or at least has shining stars to look towards. I mean Saru even looks at other Captains in Season 1 when he’s trying to model himself. But Burnham is unlike any other Captain for me. That’s why I completely agree with you staying as either a convict or a science specialist. Getting her rank back is fine but when she became Captain after all she has done… just so unearned. There was one sort of speech she was giving Rayner in episode 2 about how to be a Captain and I had to pause the TV after shouting “GURL” at my TV so loud I scared my cat.

    I sound kinda angry and frustrated here because frankly I am. I’ve been rooting for the show and her since the start but she just keeps slipping on the same lessons she’s already learned and falling back to the same self absorbed ways. As the son of a narcissist, I’ve kind of become disgusted with her character because of it. The scene in the first episode when she gives Kovich that ultimatum on reading her in turned me against her so fucking violently and with such intense revulsion that I lost every goddamn ounce of passion for the show. I still love it. Still have been watching it. But where I would have been up at midnight waiting I am now being pushed into watching it by my roommate.

    Also where the fuck is Stamets this goddamn season.

    Sorry I angy. I am angy. I’ve been stressed with some behind the scenes shit in my own life and the show just hit hard at a bad time for me. I stop bitching now. I do love everything else about this season with the exception of a couple small things, same with any season. The ‘baddies’ I didn’t see coming.

  • There’s a glaring thing you’re missing. The pips on the collar and shoulders are only for captains. I’ve been seeing the same shoulders on people of very different rank but there’s one thing even more fucking bizarre. Everyone’s collars open and you see that the badge on it is attached on side and hooks on the other. Except for a single crewman. Jett Reno. For some inexplicable reason, hers splits directly in the center and I cannot figure out why. She’s wearing the same fuckin uniform. It’s not even an engineering thing because other engineers have the other badge.

    I do not fuckin get it. I love the colors but that’s about it

    And FUCK THAT BADGE. It’s just an ugly goddamn circle.