• 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2024


  • I learned that you can just buy whole boobs to stuff in the bra not just the little cutlets so that is awesome.

    I haven’t started taking the E yet, but i swear my face is already looking more feminine since i came out and my partner said they think so as well, that i’m already carrying myself more feminine so that made me quite pleased.

    I am struggling with having very very sensitive skin and wanting to shave my face daily and also wanting to wear makeup. The shaving alone my face can handle but as soon as i put any products even ‘sensitive’ and fancy ‘safe’ cleaners and lotions on my skin it gets irritated and angry. Going to try ‘oil cleanser’ today and see if that works any better.

    I like being a girl so much and i love you all for being supportive and helping me be my true happy self ❤️