@jhulten @tst123 50 countries where half wanna be leaded by #mangomussolini ?
Trying to figure out how this works
Things I like:
- #Freedom
- #Privacy
- #Learn new stuff #tech
- #Dogs
- #Chocolate, loads of chocolate
Things I don’t like:
- fascists
- billionaires
- monarchies
- guns
- radicals
- churches
- #ApartheidElmo
- #MangoMussolini
- #BojoTheClown
- #ThatTwatFromReddit
- #Bozo
@jhulten @tst123 50 countries where half wanna be leaded by #mangomussolini ?
@starman2112 @xantoxis it’s not about bias is about facts. If proved that something happens is not biased. It is called applying the law.
@xantoxis something must be very wrong when you have near 50% ppl voting for president someone like #mangomusollini after 4 years to comprove how unfit he is.
@Earthwormjim91 I am wondering if that is the reason we are not seeing any of the Trump kinds getting indicted To not make it look like justice is hunting them and legitimize the poplitical lies?
@Dankenstein @RotaryKeyboard as an European, US tips things is just ridiculous. Seriouly can’t understand that shit. Why don’t you pay your ppl for the work they do?
@Chives @regolith I bet the majority of financial “articles” are using some kind of automation. Like stock ABC increased/decreased x% due to ( search news about Company/Serctor) . Rinse and repeat.