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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024


  • Roundup is not entirely safe for humans.

    It’s just the damages that it caused typically take several years to build up and accumulate, and the most likely things that will happen is it will cause endocrine disorders hormone disorders and greatly increase your risk for multiple types of cancer.

  • Any conspiracy that you hear about more than two or three times is actually a part of a deeper conspiracy to create so much conspiracy chaff that finding the truth becomes impossible.

    The actual deep state Illuminati whatever thing that’s behind it all running everything are really just a bunch of powerful old rich people who have capped out on money bringing them any joy in life and the only thing they have left that brings them any excitement is keeping people down.

    We have enough financial resources that every person on the planet could work 20 hours a week and have a house and have time to spend with their community and accomplish things that are meaningful to them, but in order for those resources to be distributed fairly we would have to identify the people that are hoarding it and divest them of their horde.

  • Well like if everyone was suddenly set to have 10 million US dollars in their bank accounts and all debts canceled, there would be an immediate inflation as most people would quit their jobs immediately and getting services provided would become practically impossible to anyone that doesn’t do them themselves, not to mention the fact that goods would also become absurdly expensive as no one would bother with the task of selling goods when they already have so much money on hand.

    However, due to the sudden lack of goods and services this would destabilize the entire country, and there would be riots in the streets.

    After all of that hubbub was dealt with, things would generally return to exactly the same as they are right now as the extra money flows into the hands of those who have the most goods and services to offer and the machines with which to create more goods, and eventually those who do not have the institutional advantages would return to being poor due to their lack of having institutional advantages.

  • I’ve had this conversation before.

    I live in a geodesic dome and the finished basement is always noticeably cooler than the main floor and top floor.

    As a test, I got a blower fan and put it at the basement stairs blowing the air from the very bottom of the house up towards the middle floor.

    After about a day the temperatures equalized enough that it was difficult to tell the difference between the Middle floor and the basement.

    Doing that causes the colder air to mix in with the warmer air upstairs, and the registers pull the warmer air in and blow out dehumidified air back into the basement, so no moisture build up.

    The only downside is the noise and energy costs to run a fan. Probably 400 watts.

    What I want to do is get a 4 inch duct fan and place that in the wall and run ducting from the basement up to the top floor so that the cold air is constantly being reblendid back up with the rest of the air upstairs.

    I feel like that would use much less power and do a decent job of blending the two.

    Maybe you can find something like that that will work for you.