• 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2022


  • Worker’s Cooperatives are about as good as you can get in capitalist conditions. You get a democratic say in co-op governance, have equity, etc, but it has limits. Here are a few:

    You are still in a Capitalist system, and thus your co-op must compete with other companies. This means your co-op puts a division between you and other working class members not in your co-op.

    Because your co-op is forced to operate in a Capitalist context to stay competitive, you are often forced to vote against your own interests as a working class. For example, if another company is reducing labor costs to eat your co-op’s market share and reduce co-op revenues, this may force co-op members to vote to lower their own labor costs (ie reduce benefits, incomes, or even layoof fellow members) to keep up.

    Because their are still divisions between the co-op workers and the working class at large, sometimes co-ops can acquire reactionary stances. Looking at you, REI…

    Those are just a few examples, and Comrade Hakim has a great video somewhere on Youtube where he goes deeper and explains better. If I weren’t using my phone right now I’d look for it for you. My best role in a revolution is not teacher though, so pardon my incomplete answer and halfassed handoff.

    Either way though, it is still the best you can get in Capitalism. You get some democracy, which means workers can at least look out and protect themselves better within the cooperative. It also cam help teach people that democracy isn’t just about pushing a few voting buttons every few years then forgetting about it, that democracy can apply to all facets of life. Also, the fruits of your labor will belong to you in a cooperative for the most part (of course there is still likely to exist some issues up and down the supply chain, but that is more typing than I want to do on a tiny cell phone screen).

    So ultimately, if you have the chance to make or participate in a workers cooperative, I’d say go for it, then work to resolve or alleviate some of the problems mentioned.

  • Humans have an awful record of shortsightedness and unforeseen consequences. While yes, mosquitoes have the highest humam kill rate of any other thing that can kill people, it can be mitigated or eliminated with adequate sanitation and healthcare access for communities being harassed by mosquitoes.

    The better solution to the ails caused by these insects is to improve drainage and sanitation infrastructure, build hospitals and clinics, and enact policy which gives access to this infrastructure to everyone without exception.

  • Well, I’m no expert on decolonization and can only speak for the US, so while I can’t give a full layout of what will be needed, there are a few things I can almost (70-80% certainty) guarantee will be needed in the US.

    The US will need to dissolve completely. By that I mean:

    1. The flag completely replaced. Each stripe represents stolen land (the thirteen colonies). Each star is also stolen land (each state).
    2. The state borders completely redrawn to better reflect the historical lands held by indigenous peoples. This must be decided by indigenous peoples and not whites or anyone else. If colonized peoples decide it to be so, this may mean regions within the US become completely separate and sovereign nations. Also, since many historical lands spread across Canada and Mexico, the borders of those areas may need redrawing once liberation is achieved, though I am neither Canadian nor Mexican and have essentially no authoritative knowledge on how that might happen.
    3. The newly formed government(s) must include and be agreed upon by native peoples.
    4. Economic reparations to colonized peoples is a must, and can be financed by assets seized from the bourgeoisie during revolution. This must also include formal apologies and recognition of the sins of colonizers in history texts, courses, and within new documentation for the newly established government(s).

    I realize there is likely more, but I am not knowledgeable enough to speak beyond this so far, and I may be wrong on even the points I addressed (so please correct me if you find error, I won’t be offended). If comrades have more to add, do so please!

    As for other things I’ve learned from talking with indigenous and colonized people, I can also add:

    1. Contrary to rightist fearmongering, “land back” doesn’t mean the deportation of whites back to Europe. That is largely a narrative driven by right wingers to instill fear into whites that they might lose their homes and livelihood or whatever if land back were achieved. However, I haven’t met any indigenous communist who seriously thought displacing millions of people was a good idea. Instead, whites will need to get used to “not being on top” of others, will need to get used to not getting special treatment when dealing with government and the authorities, with education, with employment, and everything else they get preference in.
    2. This also (mostly) applies to the non-indigenous victims of colonization, blacks won’t be deported or displaced, and in fact will achieve further liberation through the dissolution and replacement of white supremacist institutions like (everything basically) the prison system, the policing system, education system, etc.

    There is certainly more to it, but again, I am not a final authority on this. These are just a few points I personally have a good deal of confidence (maybe 70-80% confidence) in. Comrades, if I am wrong about something, please let me know, and definitely add more to this incomplete list.

  • One concern would be where these places are hosted. In many cases, yeah sure you’re privacy against bourgeois interests can be guaranteed… at least until they order the FBI or other similar Imperial thugs to raid the server farms supporting the infrastructure, both eliminating the service while allowing digital forensics teams to parse the metadata and learn identities.

    My biggest desire is for Lemmygrad as a whole to migrate infra to a well established AES state capable of defending itself from cyber attacks and espionage, like China. Already as it stands I am nervous about my current profile here since I know I make privacy mistakes using this profile every day, and it is my current understanding that Lemmygrad is hosted in the Imperial Core.

    If I am wrong about this, please correct me.

  • You keep referencing the map, and yet that is only the ban on the sale of pornographic material. Pornographic material is not simply nudity, public displays of affection, or even many forms of erotic art. I have lived in and visited some of these places which you prop up as examples of your ideals, but what they are doing and what you are advocating for are very different. These places still have museums packed with nude imagery painted or drawn in different eras, or even recent eras but with artistic expression which gives them character and can facilitate growth or understanding. The art schools in China, Vietnam, etc still explore the nude form in great detail. People living in those places can still freely exchange erotic material so long as it is done voluntarily and without commerce, such as couples exchanging erotic images or even artists freely posting content on image boards. Your examples do not back what you are seeking.

    What you are advocating for is the complete erasure and criminalization of all things related to nudity or the human body, sexuality, or basically anything you personally deem “gross”. There is no analysis of the material conditions behind a majority of what you said. Even the original statement of “porn should be banned”, which many comrades including myself agree with, does not appear to be based on the analysis of material conditions but in your case seems to stem from personal disgust, with any analysis that could back such a statement simply being a convenience for you.

    sexual content literally hurts my eyes

    Like another comrade stated elsewhere in this overall discussion, if your finger hurts every time you touch something, then it is probably your finger that is broken and not all the objects it touches. It sounds like some reflection inward may help improve the quality of your life.

    I am not a psychologist and I don’t pretend to be one, but I’m going to risk this and say it may benefit you to explore the possibility this is a trauma response, and consider a form of holistic trauma informed therapy. It has helped me a lot in dealing with my personal social anxiety, social anxiety which can sometimes shut me down completely and behave erratically in populated spaces. You have mentioned that “the straights” have ruined your entire life several times throughout this whole thing. You may benefit from exploring that. I say that with the most respect and sincerity, knowing how it benefited me to explore my own traumas.

    That said, those arguments cannot justify oppressing nearly everyone else around you by taking meaningful ways of exploring the world away from them. As I stated in another comment thread, non-exploitative erotic art in all its forms is extremely important for many communities to learn what it means to have sexual relations, and by extension romantic relations, in the context of their own sexuality.

    Lastly, it is also interesting to note that violence, which by its very nature always has a victim, does not bother you. However, simply seeing a nude figure, which harms no one under normal circumstances, is so abhorrent to you it causes physical symptoms.

  • I’m also part of LGBT

    Correct, you are part of the LGBTQ+ community yet you want to take something important away from other members of that community: their ability to artistically explore their love, lusts, and desires.

    I never in my life said that we should stay in it

    Unless it belongs to the non-asexual community, because according to you, if lesbians, gays, pansexuals, etc want to artistically explore their sexuality it needs to be criminalized.

    No one should harass anyone based on his sexual/romantic orientation, everyone needs to be respected and left alone.

    This isn’t about harassment. If an art gallery is featuring something regarding the exploration of the human body or erotic forms, you are free to simply not go.

    Yes, it’s really, REALLY gross filming and putting organs for pissing on TV, sexualizing everything in sight…

    You don’t have to watch those shows if you don’t want to. And yes, I agree that commodification of the human body and sexuality for things like adverts is completely immoral and victimizes people, but that victimization does not include consensual parties having fun together or helping each other understand their love, lusts, and desires.

    … and openly sexually harassing people.

    Yes I agree, this needs to stop completely but this discussion is about artistic expressions of nudity and eroticism, representation, and how massive swaths of humans explore their love, lust, and desires which come naturally to us.

  • You’re literally calling the lifestyles and ways of showing affection for massive segments of society, including the LGBTQ+ community (which struggles enough as it is trying to find representation), “gross” and saying it needs to stay in the closet, out of sight out of mind, for your personal comfort.

    EDIT: Rephrased

    EDIT #2: Really, not only are you simply calling it gross, but advocating for the criminalization of all media and artistic expression of it.

  • Well Christian rightists think homosexuality is gross so I guess Pride has to go. And eugenicists find mixed race coupling gross so no more mixed race marriages. Being gross is not a valid reason to criminalize something, otherwise you’d need to accept those conditions as well.

    Look, I agree that the commodification of the body and of sexuality, as in porn, must stop. It is not an artistic expression but rather a perversion of it.

    But abolishing all artistic expression, and even the display of it in acceptable spheres? No. Humans require art as an avenue to understand the world around them. Without exploring something from an artistic perspective then your understanding of a thing is incomplete.

    And since humans are not Komodo dragons, lizards, or any sort of fish, as a human society consisting of humans who engage with and explore a massive variety of beautiful sexualities we must ensure we create a society with ample room to explore these things in a human way: the artistic way.

    We need to be more creative than “simply abolish everything!”

  • Or do they only teach liberal nonsense?

    Yeah, in the West they continue the high school legacy and preach “free market is gooder”. That said, some professors won’t ding you if you go against the grain and advocate for Marxism or whatever. So read the room and do what you think is best, but if you have to write bourgeoisie bullshit to get a passing mark, well… no one is going to give a fuck about some bullshit you wrote as part of an undergrad paper after the grade is given. In this context do what you have to do to get the paper. Use the energy and willpower you save to do actual communist praxis instead. Luckily many universities have Marxist or Marxist sympathetic orgs you can join. Unless you go to uni where I did (Norwich), then you’re fucked in that regard.

    There are still valuable things to learn even in liberal institutions though, and you’re there to learn things, so spend the time to learn things. As other comrades have advised, explore outside the confines of what the uni hands you as mandatory reading. Find Marxist thinkers in your area of study and read what they had to say about the issues you are exploring. Often, even liberal colleges will ask the right questions, the problem usually lies in the answer they encourage you to arrive to when exploring it.

    Also, always consider how the knowledge you gain can be useful for the communist cause. If China and Vietnam can find value in continuing to offer Economics and Political Science degrees, you can too.

  • Providing healthcare to citizens of other states is a whole other thing.

    I do not believe it to be the case that citizens of other countries should be treated differently. A nation is just as responsible for guests within its borders as it is for its own citizens. Also, why should a hospital even have knowledge of someone’s immigration status in a just society? The purpose of a hospital is to treat people who enter.

    If a criminal, Nazi, whatever enters and needs treatment, they should get it, and simply be guarded or handled as such while they are there. It is not up to the hospital to decide who lives and who dies. The goal is to try to treat everyone. If the hospital treats someone that the state later decides to execute, well then the hospital still did their appointed duty.

    Hospitals are not a place for “execution by neglect”. And if a non-citizen enters, they are still a guest of the nation and should be treated as such.

    …versus hampering the conditions for revolution in that other state that could lead to a state that does provide healthcare

    Denying healthcare to a working class person, foreign or otherwise, simply to encourage a revolution isn’t ethical. Also, it likely won’t even be effective. Imagine for a moment: You are a working class person desperately in need of medicine. You go to a neighboring communist nation hoping they help you because you heard they were compassionate, but you get rejected for being a foreigner. Would you return to your nation hoping to establish communism locally after being turned away in a communist nation? What would your impression of communism be after being rejected? Now on the flip side, would you have a better impression of communism if you went to your friendly neighbor and they treated you? Might it be possible that you go home more willing to ignore the propaganda against the friendly neighbor communist country because you experienced the truth?

    People don’t flee nations as huge swaths of refugees for not being able to access medical care, otherwise the US would be empty of humans, so it isn’t like you’ll have massive drains on your resources for simply treating foreigners.

    Look at Cuba for example: they are being actively blockaded by the US and struggle to get basic medicines, yet they full on send some their best doctors around the world to aid in fighting some of the worst medical crises humanity faces, and most of the non-white world loves them for it, and shit even regular ass white people here in the states I talk to express admiration for them when I bring this up.

    During some of the worst moments of the COVID pandemic, Vietnam was doing much the same sending doctors to even adversarial nations to aid working class people overseas despite having to deal with their own problems as well. China too.

    EDIT: Also, medical students don’t take the original Hippocratic Oath anymore, but a much more encompassing public oath. We don’t need to even discuss the Hippocratic Oath because no one even uses it anymore. The medical community is fully aware how outdated it is.