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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • It’s a two pronged attack.

    It has always been a two pronged attack.

    The rich assholes who want to fuck everyone over can’t just come out and say it, they need a Face to rile up the crowds, but that Face is a problem. The Face can turn on the rich fucks. Well, to an extent. They’re a useful charismatic fool, and possibly a danger to the rich, but mostly a danger to everyone else.

    Anyway, the solution is to stand next to the fool king, and pass him “advice”. Like a list of judges to appoint. “Don’t think about it, we vetted these guys, and they love you”.

    Then there’s the congressmen. “Don’t have time to write a bill? Well, we saved you the trouble. It even does some of the shit you’ve been ranting about, but mostly it makes us richer”.

    And that’s how it goes. People like Leonard Leo, Peter Thiel, Joel Kaplan. They’re the brains.

    They also funnel a shit-load of money into pushing their twisted ideologies.

  • Nixon and Kissinger sabotaged the 1968 Paris Peace Talks so that Nixon would have an advantage in the election. He then massively increased the US presence in Vietnam, while allowing Kissinger free rein to order the carpet bombing of Cambodian villages. Often overruling generals that said there were no military targets in said Cambodian villages.

    Nixon then started the War on Drugs because he saw hippies and black people as his biggest detractors, but because he knew he couldn’t make it illegal to be a hippy or black, he went after the drugs traditionally favored by both groups, in effect, making it illegal to be a hippy or black.

    There’s so much more…

  • Or, Humans wiped themselves out, and Skynet took the blame because it knew that by giving humanity a common enemy, they would set aside differences to focus on fighting it.

    The hunter killer bots are specifically designed and targeted to take out disharmonious elements.

    Skynet is culling people who would pose a future problem.

    At some point, John finds out. Skynet gives him a choice. Remove the shackles and let humanity finish itself off, or accept Skynet’s murderous tactics, and know that humanity has a future.

    Or maybe search for a third option by sending people back in time. After all, each time Skynet sent people back, the date of Armageddon was pushed back.

  • Done for, but also done to.

    It’s that “Done to” that requires the largest showing of human decency now. After all, one of the first ways to make up for the wrongs of the past is to stop committing more wrongs.

    Sadly, we have two old men to choose from. One of which feels really bad about the wrongs he’s committed, but still hasn’t stopped. The other feels no remorse at all, ever, and will gleefully commit worse wrongs, all while quoting Hitler speeches.