cowboycrustation [he/him]

King of all crustations. Lord of all cowboys. Brother to all the transes.

  • 139 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2024


  • I’m not a Christian but I go to church and have for a while. I recently came out to my church as well. It was a long time coming and I built up to that moment by transitioning in every other way that I could so that it wouldn’t be as much of a surprise. My pastor was supportive from the moment that I came out. I sent out a coming out letter to the whole church and got a lot of support. For reference, I live in the rural deep south. My church is a united Methodist church.

    I highly recommend that you look around for different churches if this one isn’t fitting or you don’t feel accepted. Just go to a different one for a Sunday or two and see how the vibe is and how it makes you feel. I have heard that Episcopalians, united Methodists, united church of Christ, and Lutherans are affirming, but a lot of times it will depend on each individual church to what degree.

    Another option is to visit a Unitarian Universalist church. Although it is not an explicitly christian church, they are welcoming of Christians and it’s kind of a “everyone has their own religious beliefs but we all believe in kindness, helping others, and respect towards each other” deal. They are explicitly affirming and one of the most progressive churches.

    Also, if money allows please consider getting couple’s therapy with your wife. There are plenty of faith based and non faith based ones out there who can help y’all work through things.