• 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • Um that’s a bit of a stretch.

    I mean I wouldn’t say it’s impossible and if I were an amoral person in charge of CIA/State Dept and trying to discredit people it is an obvious thing to reach for, but there’s no real history of them regularly, routinely lobbing accusations like this around. Nor is it necessary in this case.

    I further don’t suppose it’s necessary to invent something provable like this to tar and feather this guy. He doesn’t need to be torn down and turned into a monster because no one cared to begin with, he’s a nobody. He’ll disappear just as fast forever. If he was a somebody, like that famous footballer who went to Iraq and had credibility, followers, possibility of future platforms it might make sense to need to character assassinate in such a way as to pre-emptively silence them and make everyone turn their backs in disgust and disregard them. But he’s not. He’s a nobody. He can easily be dismissed as mentally unwell, as crazed, as whatever they want and no one is going to look much into it. Him saying he was treated well in the DPRK would receive no audience or just be used as further evidence of DPRK propaganda and conniving and/or his own bad mental state.

    People won’t find it a reach to think he acted irrationally with a flight or fight response when faced with prison and think nothing more of the situation, it won’t change minds on the DPRK.

    The most I can charitably assume based on the limited facts and it’s still very bad, criminal, awful, is that it was a case of those teenagers who run private snaps selling nudes for money. A little less bad than paying another pedophile to abuse little kids but ugh, still party to rape, still party to abusing kids. And I’ll admit the fact he’s low ranking, probably not from money and black probably means a harsher reaction than if he’d been from a wealthy family, an officer, white (they probably would have swept it under the rug, goodness knows the US military is full of monsters, predators, etc as they’re constantly catching them in stings outside military bases and that’s when their special forces aren’t being caught running child sex rings on-base).

  • I’m not sure what you expect or even what I linked to you because to me it doesn’t matter. Israel are proven liars. Proven genocidal maniacs. And proven war-crimes and crimes against humanity committers. On the balance I’d say I’d need a lot, lot, lot stronger evidence than has been presented to disprove the idea that it was an Israeli bomb launched from a plane and prove that it was anything else.

    These people attacked a US war ship in cold blood, murdered American sailors and the US government covered it up. Given the US itself attacked the Kunduz hospital in Iraq (a human right’s violation), the fact they were willing to in the past cover up the murder of their own sailors and do nothing in reciprocity tells me about all I need to know about Israel and it’s impunity in which it operates.

  • Most in the west would cheer it on, the halls of power and media would spin it so the Palestinians were wholly responsible for their own genocide and any atrocities later discovered. The global south will look on in horror, the Arab world will be furious and I expect massive riots, maybe Israeli embassies being stormed or destroyed, same with US. There will be terror attack reprisals against the west in the coming years but I expect even the Arab world will have to let it go and go back to their lives. The anger will cool, their leaders will in time try and inch closer again with the west after some empty placations.

    It represents a shift though, the global south, many people and even leaders will see the US/NATO order for what it is, will see the hypocrisy and will choose China/Russia/BRICS+. Though given stuff like this has happened before in terms of the NATO order showing its hypocrisy and brutality I don’t think it will have long-term ramifications. I think the political calculations based off it run cold after a decade at most and beyond that are reliant on more recent factors and happenings in the future.

    Iran would probably like to respond but on their own they’d probably eat Israeli nukes and or at least a joint US/Israeli invasion and bombing campaign that destroys them as a regional power or player. Admittedly I doubt nuclear weapons will be used because they might draw a stronger response from even Sunni majority countries. But goodness knows deranged neo-con hawks in the US have been wanting to invade and destroy Iran since at least the 2000s so they’d jump on that chance and Israel also wants it gone but doesn’t want to go it alone.

    Quite frankly I wouldn’t be shocked if Israel pulled a USS Liberty 2.0 on an American ship and jointly agreed with the US that it was Iran who did it to put the US into a war with them. Biden may not consent to them doing it if forewarned but if they did it I believe he’d do what he could to cover it up and blame an enemy state as he is pathetically unwilling to say no to them.

  • You were banned for support of what Reddit (and maybe US law) considers a terrorist organization. There is zero flexibility here and they probably reported you to the government as well.

    As far as I know only material support of designated orgs is a crime but they have been pushing increasingly for social media to clamp down on “misinformation” and most social media has been happy to oblige as advertisers don’t like perceived extremism either.

    I said it some months back but I’ll repeat that with the cracks of empire showing they’re going to clamp down much harder on any dissent.

  • I have to admit, with how well this works, and how easily they get worked up, wound up by the propaganda, etc really makes me worry this world doesn’t end with revolution but with the west, backed into a corner shouting a loud self-righteous monologue as it presses the button and lets fly the nuclear weapons, feeling in their own last moments of life before the retaliatory nuclear warheads detonate above them absolute, pure seething hatred and dehumanization towards their victims as well as complete moral certitude that they have a right to extinguish the rest of the world.

  • First off: OP of course can do what they want with their screenshots. And I understand if the poster is in fact someone OP knows and not wanting to so easily lead people back to their own twitter presence. But let’s not censor ourselves needlessly based off fears that have no basis in reality.

    However, it’s a pretty white area. There is no meaningful legal liability from reposting publicly available, consensually posted content that has no copyright and iron-clad fair-use arguments for the purpose of comment, parody, educational use, etc. Effectively zero risk anywhere in the west to screenshot and comment on something posted publicly online (outside of stuff that breaks national security laws, grave intellectual property violations (think posting the coco-cola secret recipe level stuff), and child sexual abuse imagery) as it’s widely understood posting online in public is doing so in an open forum and inviting this kind of response. It’s only if the commenting, opinions, sentiment, speech itself violates the law that you have a problem and then it has nothing to do with not censoring or anonymizing names.

    Once you’ve accepted the risk of non-pre-screened user-submitted content such as pictures, text, you’re already putting yourself in as hot of water as you end up in by allowing usernames to be present. I mean lots of reddit subs and other places used to straight up drop doxx posts on people connecting their online identities together and back to their real life ones, I saw a few on cth back in the day about prolific annoyances and I never heard of anyone dragged into court over that.

    The key to avoiding liability is timely good faith removal of potentially infringing content upon receiving a valid legal request. It’s only persistent, flagrant, heavily repeated, demonstrably willful violations over long periods of time that have in the past successfully created liability. The biggest examples of successful online lawsuits I can think of include the gawker one which had to do with spreading revenge porn essentially and continually harassing a guy and not backing down when asked. There were numerous off-ramps that if gawker had backed down earlier they would have survived even a high-powered lawsuit like that. You really cannot get got for this stuff without being warned and ignoring the warnings.

    I mean half of social media is reposting content you don’t own from others. We live in a society where random jerks with a camera can go around in public, get up in people’s faces with a camera, insult them, antagonize them, harass the shit out of them for views and clicks and there’s little that can be done with someone doing that for antagonism under the guise of “social experiment” while harassing and plastering someone’s face and name all over. I mean if this were a legal issue the web would look a lot different.

    Now, you can potentially, hypothetically get in hot water if people on your website organize harassment and break laws to do so but that has nothing to do with showing usernames and importantly pretty much has to be a continued pattern of harassment and inaction after repeated notice. If people are saying “PM me for their info” and you’re allowing it as people talk about harassment, bomb threats, whatever, then you could be in trouble censored names or no. But just showing something someone else voluntarily posted to a public space online? Nah. And we don’t I think have a problem with users here harassing people to my knowledge even in an internet bullying way (correct me if I’m wrong of course). So the solution is not allowing a culture where people accept that, fostering one where people cry fed-posting and report such things before they can go anywhere and be used as evidence of anything.

    I’d be far more worried about the potential for all the “in minecraft” comments that I sometimes see than anything near this. Like the Palestinian situation has people heated and I’ve seen some stuff that really makes me worry for the person posting it because of the heat they could bring on themselves.

    Now if the people in the screenshots were breaking laws or in danger from the security state by spreading around what they’d been exposing or saying, or if their words could be construed as slander, there’s an argument there. It doesn’t apply here but there is one. That said, doing that won’t protect most people who break serious laws, they need good opsec in the first place.