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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Outside of the people trying to distract from the skeletons in their own closets, the ones that fixate on canonical ages always struck me as people who just hate anime. And squinting for loli content happens to be the easiest way to win over the court of public opinion. It just rarely feels sincere, even by loli hater standards.

  • I’ve seen that mentioned before, but I don’t quite buy it. If it’s the actual act of hosting porn, I would expect there to be compromises since this forum style stems from just being a link aggregator anyway. If it’s to avoid running into minors-related laws, I have yet to run into any age questions for any instance signups, so I really have to question how genuinely these sorts of issues are being tackled.

    I’ll be happy to believe it when I see it, but until then that just seems like excuses to make their position more palatable until people just accept the status quo.

  • I’m no moderator of anything, so I’ve no particular sentimental attachments nor sway. I’ll go where my peers go, which still seems to be Reddit even as the frog boils. If I had a true moral aversion to Reddit, I would have quit when they first cracked down on loli subs years ago. Quitting now just seems silly, when the entertaining shitshow has just begun as it were.

    Also, I do like it here at Burggit over Reddit. It’s just everywhere else in the Lemmyverse that currently has me headscratching if I want to currently bother figuring out a bridge: the fact that big instances are creating rules even stricter than Reddit (like no NSFW) when they’re not even beholden to advertizers to do so, suggests to me they have an even greater concentration of morality police than you’d find on Reddit. So I’m adopting a lazy wait-and-see approach. Emphasis on lazy.

    As a tangent, Reddit normally never comes up in conversation for me with friends, but the blackout finally changed that. They’ve been around long enough to know about old Reddit’s layout. None of them knew it was a thing that still exists. Only one of them used a non-official app (Apollo), and I wholly expect them to jump to the official app (or maybe whatever accessibility app I can fish up) over any Reddit alternative. As somewhat of a power user, it was a nice reminder at just how apathetic and non-power-user-y most of Reddit’s userbase is.

    As an extra tangent, I think your 2hu stuff is in an uncommon position, as it’s somewhat inextricably linked to loli/“loli” content that Reddit actively opposes, in a way that most communities are not. I’m guessing that the blackout-related stuff was more of a convenient pretext to finally pull the trigger (and hopefully with a higher conversion rate) than it was the entire justification. And so I think your migration has a chance of being somewhat successful long-term, and way more successful than most migrations simply because there’s a community-inherent reason to do so. Most migrations I expect will or have already flopped as subs capitulate or reopen in some form. I fully expect this episode to be more of a “two minutes hate” than a “straw that broke the camel’s back” in the saga of Reddit’s downward spiral.

  • I don’t see why Burggit specifically would have to do this. I was planning to jump to an inconspicuous unrelated instance that federates both Burggit and the “correct” parts of the Lemmyverse. You could still do this if you want to participate in both.

    I’m putting my plan on ice for a bit because:

    • Cross-instance subscription seemed a bit buggy in general - mainly anything posted before I subscribed was missing comments & votes if it showed up at all. If you wait a bit for your feed to have new content, it’s all pretty correct from what I’ve seen so it is still quite usable. I just got a bit lazy about subscribing to new Burggit communities as they crop up, so I’ll either wait for bugfixes, or mass-subscribe in one go.
    • The more I think about it, if I want Reddit-tier content I’d rather just get it off Reddit anyway. I personally have no recent beef with Reddit in the first place since I don’t use mobile, I just wanted to see if Lemmy ended up being a bit more free-spirited about loli. The answer has basically been “no”, which I guess I should’ve seen coming with how Mastodon developed. I do think the writing is on the wall for Reddit sometime after the IPO happens, but I have no reason to jump ship early.

    As an aside, I find it deeply funny how many Reddit alternatives don’t allow NSFW in general, as if that wasn’t one of the largest draws in the first place. I have a feeling Reddit is going to be able to boil the frog that is their general userbase for a few years yet.

  • I think the fact that we don’t punish based on the first infraction definitely helps with overall communication and transparency.

    Much agreed. I’ve been on the other side of the moderator-moderatee divide before, and my main “contribution” was pushing for a more lenient infraction ladder during a rules rewrite. In retrospect though, I’m not sure I’m happy about having done what I feel is the right thing compared to having effectively pushed extra work on some very good acquaintances. At the end of the day, repeat offenders tend to climb the ladder all the way up to a ban regardless of its length, even if I’d like to think otherwise.

    Still, I hope things work out well here; I definitely agree with the approach, at the very least in principle.

  • Neat place. I’m a fan of basically just sticking with the golden rule for general moderation policy. It does leave a lot of discretion to moderators which inevitably means someone is eventually going to get uneven treatment since we’re all just human. But even in places with nicely codified sets of rules, I’ve seen some high profile cases where the moderatorship (or rather, some “ardent” subset of the team) bends over backwards to justify their position irrespective of the rules. Enough to make me question what the point is, for most use cases anyway.

    Having said that, I personally rarely run up against moderation since I mostly just lurk. I’ll try to do slightly less of that latter bit here. 👋