Barbershop quartet singer, weight-loser, philosophy student of life

  • 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • We (76 and 60) shop with our plastic (credit, never debit). Next cash if it is hand-to-hand, or we can get a receipt. Otherwise check, but we don’t carry a checkbook. I may do PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle, but only if I know you personally – if you’re dealing with my spouse, you’d better take a check or plastic or wait for me.

    to the detriment of literally everyone else.

    How so? It’s an option. The other option may be “no sale.” We grew up on these and we understand them. All the high-tech ways are ever-changing, and we’re never sure where we stand with them.

  • A lot of the comments so far are trying to stay with the negative connotation to exploitation. You exploit your comfortable shoes to walk further each day. You exploit the microwave oven’s ability to more quickly warm your coffee than the stove.

    This is the same with discrimination. You choose the raspberry danish over the cheese danish. This is you practicing discrimination, and it’s fine.

    Any evil in it comes from abuse or impact to yourself with respect to others, that second definition of exploitation in the OP.

  • I don’t know that I fit any of those label, neatly, but I’ve always been skeptical of the idea that the president is not in charge of everything under the Executive Branch.

    Keep in mind I’m not in charge of anything and I’m not right about anything! I’m nobody here.

    If Congress wants an independent agency, they need to create it and put it under themselves, not under the executive branch (so it seems to me). So even if Trump does not get into office (and let’s make sure that he doesn’t) Project 2025 is still going to be out there and it may be legally right in some important respects. Not paying attention to this reality is how we lost something like Roe v Wade … What the Supreme Court can give, it can take away. There is no such thing as “never going to happen”.

    Please defeat Trump and Trumpism, but take this concept of Project 2025 seriously beyond Trump.

  • Thanks.

    By the way, that’s not Marcus but The Enchirideon (by Epictetus), 33.1

    Marcus undoubtedly owned a copy of this. It may have something to do with Meditations 3.05

    In action be neither grudging, nor selfish, nor ill-advised, nor constrained. Let not your thought be adorned with overmuch nicety. Be not a babbler or a busybody. Let the God within direct you as a manly being, as an elder, a statesman, a Roman, and a ruler, standing prepared like one who awaits the recall from life, in marching order; requiring neither an oath nor the testimony of any man. And withal, be cheerful, and independent of the assistance and the peace that comes from others; for, it is a man’s duty to stand upright, self-supporting, not supported.

    or Meditations 10:16

    Discourse no more of what a good man should be; but be one.