• 30 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • But in 2000, the court enjoyed more robust legitimacy among the public than it does today. As a consequence, Florida officials ceased recounting disputed ballots. Vice President Al Gore conceded the election to Texas Gov. George W. Bush, specifically accepting the Supreme Court’s pivotal ruling.

    No Democratic senator challenged the validity of Florida’s disputed Electoral College votes for Bush. Congress certified the Electoral College’s vote, and Bush was inaugurated.

    Al Gore is the perfect example of why we can’t ig ore the importance of charisma in a candidate.

    Dude would have been a great president, and having him at the helm instead of Bush would have drastically change global politics to this very day.

    But he was a wet blanket, didn’t have the balls to challenge it, and too progressive for the DNC to defend.

    People keep ignoring that presidential elections are basically just statewide popularity contests. At the end of the day nothing matters but the voters opinions.

  • So?

    I hate how every game want to compete for current playtime.

    I got way more than money’s worth out of this game, but I haven’t played in over a month. I hope that when I go back to it, there’s still a playerbase.

    But like, the developers planned for at best to get 10% of what they did…

    If they dropped that extra 90%, I don’t see why that should spell the end of the game. It’s the playerbase the game was designed for.

    There’s just this weird “first or worst” mentality with a lot of studios. I hope this game is just given the room to stretch it legs over a decade or so. Something people might not always keep installed on their console, but still download once or twice a year to get some games in.

    Games like that can be a success. Just because a lot of people burnt out doesn’t mean they’ll never play again.

    It’s just games like that don’t maximize investor returns. They want to churn out hits that people play exclusively for 3 months then drop, only to buy the new one next year.

  • You’re not asking people to trust science, you’re asking people to trust in the institutions that were certain people around Chernobyl and Fukushima were totally safe and trust us bro

    So have you even heard of a power coefficient before?

    Everyone knew Chernobyl was inherently unsafe, because a positive power coefficient is just an insane design which is why only the Soviets were doing it.

    And Fukushima was concurrent earthquakes and a tsunami… Like, you can’t really prepare for everything.

    Your heart might be in the right place, but you clearly haven’t actually learned about nuclear power.

    I’m sure you’ve watched some YouTube videos tho, made by other people who don’t understand nuclear power.

  • Research has shown that kidneys donated by Black people are more likely to stop working sooner after a transplant, so the algorithm has downgraded their quality. This factor has led to Black donor kidneys being discarded at a higher rate than other races.


    The only way this makes sense, is if they’re talking about organ donors after they pass away. It’s not like people are just randomly giving kidneys out for no reason

    But still, it’s not like we have too many kidneys, aren’t people on wait lists for years?

    And it sounds like it’s due to correlation. Like, a healthy kidney is a healthy kidney. Who cares if it’s more likely to be healthy or not for certain demographics?

    There’s just not a lot of info in the article

  • Stuff like this.

    Where did I ever say I watched a video?

    I clicked OPs link, it’s the YouTubers threads account, so I clicked on that profile, and saw a bunch of dumb shit.

    Why would I ever want to then go to their YouTube page and watch any of their videos?

    Like, you have no idea what we’re talking about, but you’re very opinionated about it.

    If you want to learn about nuclear physics, it takes a little.more than watching YouTube videos, and that’s definitely not the only way to learn…

  • Yeah, this post did actually clear something up for me though.

    Like, I actually know about nuclear energy, some of the worst years of my life was nuclear enginerring school lol. And the last couple years I never understood why so many people online have such strong nuclear opinions but don’t seem to actually know anything about it…

    It’s because there’s YouTubers like this. Like. I looked at his profile and it’s stuff like pictures of people climbing on Chernobyl equipment that’s still dangerously radioactive

    At least it’s better than incels.

  • I envy woman for being able to walk around with a bag the size of a phone without looking stupid.

    Bruh stop caring what people think and carry a bag if you want.

    I’ll never understand why guys bitch about not being able to do something because it’s not perceived as “manly”.

    If you’re secure in your own masculinity then you wouldn’t give two shits what other people thought about carrying a bag, what you drive, what kind of dog you have, or any of that stuff.

    Don’t worry about projecting the appearance of a confident man. And just be confident in yourself bro.