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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • So Palestine. We’re doing the Palestine argument again. What if I told you that support for Israel has been so baked into our foreign policy since its inception that no president alone can go against it without incurring the wrath of a neoliberal horde? Is Palestine suddenly the one issue that’s worth committing political suicide over, just to make way for a worse, actual fascist autocrat who would be bff with Netanyahu while he erases the Palestinian people? I think Biden is shitty on Palestine, but I also think he’s in a terrible spot and he’s doing what he thinks he can against decades of foreign policy. The other guy would be shitposting on Truth Social about sending bombs to Palestinian children for Christmas.

  • The Democrats are still stuck in this post-Clinton seniority mindset where they unofficially pick a candidate before primaries even begin, based on who has been around the longest and who has held the highest position. Remember “it’s her turn”? Yes, yes, I know it didn’t work against Obama, but heading into the debates everyone assumed Hillary would be the candidate until Obama put on the better show. More to the point, I think Obama breaking through scared the establishment Dems into doubling down on primary fuckery. See what happened to Bernie, twice. So now we have a president who knows all the right people but plays politics with the 1990s rulebook and has a terminal case of crusty old man voice.

    Still better than Trump.