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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • So awesome having qualifying on a Friday while people are working. Thank you Liberty Media for ruining F1. I used to watch every minute of every session, preseason testing when they bother to film it, follow off season rumors, you name it since 2011. This year I promised myself I was done with F1 but have mostly followed qualifying results and even watched a few first laps and final laps. But there’s been what? One race worth watching this season. I bet everyone subscribed here can name it. Maybe this is what people want, the viewership numbers and money seems to be pointing to so, but the sport has left me behind at some point in the past five years.

  • I agree, but I think what has changed is that they at least spun it as “investments” or “innovation” or some other bullshit in the past. Now it’s just, here’s a war torn country selling off its public assets to fuel a never ending meat grinder. Even YOU can get in on this great investment opportunity. Have you ever wanted to own one of the largest titanium mining companies in the world? What about a factory conveniently located on the Black Sea? They used to be state owned and the profits benefited the people, but in this once in a lifetime opportunity you can have them for pennies on the dollar because their government owes billions of dollars in foreign debt.

    Have some self respect and at least lie to the peasants like you used to.

    I remember when Obama promised to pull out of Iraq and shutdown Guantanamo because that’s what the base wanted. Then everyone made excuses and forgot about it and it was never mentioned again. Now those same people are all “we must destroy every last one of those orcs and their families”. There has been a noticeable Overton window shift in the prevailing anti-war/pro-war opinion in the West over the past 10 years, even above and beyond the ridiculous levels it was at then.

    And when it comes to privatization, it’s not so much that it’s a good thing even, they’ve dropped that charade, it’s that it’s the only thing that we can even conceive of or consider anymore. Why would we want the government running things? We all know government isn’t capable of doing anything. Ours sure isn’t, we made sure of it.

  • No, they should have accepted the first peace offering that Putin offered and Zelensky wanted to accept before his western, corporate overlords told him how things are going to be. This could have ended peacefully in February or March 2020, or anytime in the preceding 7 years since the NATO coup in 2014, but no, western corporate and US interests had to have its blood offering to the capitalists gods. Now people are being snatched off the streets and sent to the frontlines to die needlessly and potentially leading to world wide destruction with Africa and Taiwan in the mix. Oh no! What about the poor shareholders? This is a proxy war, just like the last, and just like the next between then USian, NATO, Western “rules based order” where the global south fully submits themselves to western corporate interests, and a growing BRICS alliance for a more peaceful and mutually prosperous future.

    tl;dr if you live in the “west”, like I do, then we are the baddies

  • Traditional medicine, Chinese or otherwise, is bullshit. If some tincture happens to have some active ingredient that actual does something, then that ingredient has almost certainly been studied by actual scientists, purified, dosed, and available as a safe (relatively) form at your local pharmacy.

    Acupuncture and cupping in particular are no better than placebo at relieving pain. Any temporary relief your partner receives from them is no better than a sugar pill that they are convinced will help them, or no better than the pain relief of a massage. What does everyone do when they bang their knee or elbow on something hard? We rub it. Why? Because rubbing stimulates the surrounding nerves and that extra stimulation helps to drown out and dull the sharp pain…temporarily. Any pain relief from acupuncture and cupping is no different and isn’t permanent. Your partner would be better off going to a licensed physical therapist, with an actual doctorate degree and deep understanding of anatomy. They will not only know techniques to temporarily relieve the pain, but also will be able to provide a custom exercise plan to strengthen the affected area to help prevent repeat injury.

    Also a lot of non-scientific “medicine” is extremely dangerous. I know people have had serious injuries from acupuncture, but chiropractors are the worse. Don’t let anyone you care about go to a chiropractor. At best you become a repeat customer and waste a lot of money on a glorified massage from someone pretending to be a doctor, and at worst you end up a paraplegic or dead.