• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • you really think the british deep state gives a shit about the IRA anymore you clown?

    that wars long dead and buried, the only element of the IRA even remotely relevant anymore is the small section of it in n.IRE, and they are no longer interested in violent terror just peacefull re-unification.

    Ireland unified a while ago and the british state moved on, keep up.

  • I do wish more was known/easy to digest about how different states within China feel about this, because I know it varies wildily; You have areas in China that have never been anti-LGBT and have had open & visible trans people within them for decades as well as trans clinics to support them and social attitudes that tolerate and accept them.

    And you also get very reactionary states within China that dont; but that nuance is lost on a lot of people, it would be interesting to understand the variance.