• 2 Posts
Joined 24 days ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • As someone with recent platforms from both Intel and AMD, man, I do not like my 7700x’s platform.

    It’s just sporadically unreliable: sometimes it posts, sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes the memory decides it needs to reset back to jedc standards instead of the expo settings, sometimes it doesn’t. Even a successful POST can take upwards of a minute sometimes, and the system may or may not reset in the middle of it, resulting in two extended delays.

    Perfectly stable once the OS gets booted (memtest is fine, prime95 is fine and it boosts like crazy up to about 5.5ghz all-core), but getting there is such a pain on occasion.

    I realize more than a little of this is probably attributable to the motherboard manufacturer/efi settings, but the last few AMD platforms I’ve had are just wonky and less than 100% reliable compared to the last several Intel ones, which have typically just worked, correctly, every time.

  • I don’t agree with the whole list, but the CLA requirement and corpo projects pinky-promising they’d never do a bad thing and then going to do a bad thing as soon as their investors demand returns is certainly a major risk and harm. I’ve started self-hosting everything for my personal use, and if it’s not AGPL, then I assume at some point I’m going to get fucked and shouldn’t rely on it.

    Also, the endless stupidity around everyone using Discord as their primary means of communication, discussion, issue reporting and whatnot. Politely, fuck Discord, and fuck anyone who thinks Discord is the right way to make anything accessible to the public.

    There’s lots of other alternatives, including ye olde IRC and forums and even simple mailing lists - and no, I don’t mean ‘sign up for our newsletter!’ nonsense, but an actual real mailing list. And, if you want something a little more modern, there’s always Matrix which is probably feature-complete enough to compete with whatever you’d want to use Discord for anyways.

  • There’s stuff for sale like that on the ARM side, but you’ll pay out the nose for it, as it’s all enterprise-y server-y stuff. For example, you can buy Ampere chips and boards that have ram slots and pci-e slots and all that jazz, but it costs way too much to make any sort of sense at the consumer level.

    But yeah, on the consumer side we’re never going to get modifiable and upgradable systems from the current crop of SOC vendors, and, worse, the x86 duopoly looks to want to head down the integrated RAM and non-upgradable path too :(