“You’re scrappy… you’re a scrappy Duncan”

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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月17日


  • We got a 10 ft pool and we didn’t bury it at all. It’s kind of the perfect depth for both kids and adults because as an adult you can sit in it on the bottom with your arms over the side like a hot tub. For little kids, they can reach the bottom so they feel a lot more comfortable. We just got a little Intex pool pump for it and it works fantastic! Once we get it moved into the privacy fence area we’re going to build a little half deck/bench around one corner of it.

  • Bought a bunch of outdoor furniture and we’re putting up a tall privacy fence so we can have a little nudist oasis in our yard. Going to also move the stock tank pool close to the patio for some skinny dipping. Going to be a good summer. Will probably have some fellow nudists over for a BBQ once it’s done.