After a year of absence, I’ll give this instance another shot, things have gone better than I expected.

  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I don’t recall which one, I think atow? It’s been a while. In general though, I have a feeling anything officially battletech is going to lean way too far into crunch, but I’d be happy to be wrong.

    I haven’t looked at S&V, but BT has a much more hard sci-fi feel than SW… I’m assumed it wouldn’t be a great fit. How much does scum and villainy lean on the “space fantasy” angle?

  • I haven’t got a great elevator pitch for it yet but essentially there are a number of different ways to do magic, split by culture. I’ve passed it through a number of filters to keep it from being too much of an anvil, but several of the forms of magic are stands-in for the labour theory of value. Magicians can become very powerful by effectively stealing and monopolizing magic from a larger group of people, or they can be individually quite weak but collectively strong. The ‘socialist’ magicians have learned that they can compete a bit with the stronger magicians by collectively agreeing on someone to share their magic with, but it’s hard to keep a power structure like that when all around them are people trying to steal all their magic.

    This stuff is all a backdrop to a story that’s a more standard adventure journey, but those themes do recurrently crop up and will eventually be core to some of the conflict

  • What I’m thinking after mulling on it since writing this is that I can probably design a simple arc in five short books for the very young, and then step into a more advanced YA arc that stands independent of those books for when the audience ages. Since I’m writing it for my kid, it should work for her. I don’t feel any particular need to publish, though if they’re good I’ll see what happens, so i’ve got a lot of freedom to play with the format.

    I agree about language. I’m trying to avoid going too simple on sentence structure and word choices, but I am working on using words that are more phonics-friendly. My daughter can read and understand complex sentence structures but has troubles reading words that don’t sound out well. I’ll see how she goes with it.