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Joined 7 个月前
Cake day: 2023年12月9日


  • I can see complaining about it if the game’s design is affected by the changes. For example, the addition of compass/map markers greatly affects quest design.

    It’s also why imo some of elden ring’s bosses suck if you try to solo them - they’re designed with summons, spirits, and overleveling in consideration.

    On the flipside it seems like the boss design in sekiro gets a lot of praise. I’m playing through sekiro now and don’t have an opinion on it yet (though the combat does feel very good so far).

    I’m not a git gud person (I’m quite the noob at souls games) though, and I hope they continue to make their games more accessible. But I understand how veteran fans of their games might be concerned about changes that may affect how they like to play.

  • It’s understandable to be confused by it, I’m not sure why it makes you angry.

    Even if you’re familiar with the idea that some portion of the population is hierarchy/authoritarian prone, it makes you ask why. Then the answer just takes you one step deeper - that they like to see others suffer. Why? Because it makes them feel like they have it better than someone else, and that feels good. Well why does that make them feel good? Etc.

    When you drill down enough you always get to “that’s just the way it is”, which isn’t satisfying.

  • I just let go of my 16 year old cat this week. I resolved I would do it if he started hiding (cats do that when suffering) or once I was sure he would only get worse. He never did start hiding, but he stopped eating and got so weak that he had trouble getting himself up.

    It was tempting to wait and have as much time as I could with him, but I also very much did not want him to die at a vet (though that was plan b if he took a bad turn). I scheduled at-home euthanasia, and it was very odd to have an exact clock on my best friend. I cried so much in the days before and after. But I do feel it was the right decision - he died peacefully with his family around him.

    To me, love is simply wanting to be in the presence of another. And true love is to be willing to give even that up if it’s in their best interest.