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Joined 11 个月前
Cake day: 2023年10月25日


  • Glad you asked. It was and still is a common dilemma. You hit the key points. A-emotional attachment-this cannot be calculated it’s the X factor back to that B-affordability- money won’t be the sole decider here, or even be considered a major factor. C-value-this is tricky as the X factor come into play. You can’t put a value on memories and if this Bremerton has them then your choice is pretty clear.

    You’ll focus on the new house and obtain an intermediate vechile. The beemer needs work in excess of its book value but in this case “x” totally cancels out this book value crap and replaced it with emotional attachment and then writes you a blank check, but not today. In the meantime it can sit. You have to promote the house project to the top. Perhaps an opportunity for the beemer will present itself in the coming months. You have time on your side. Good luck!

  • The lock is likely worn out from an above average jetting hanging off the lock for years. Does slightly complicate replacement .

    Lube the lock with graphite powder and the the key jiggling both ways. IF the lick turn you might be good. If not keep jiggling for a bit. Try the little push button a few times while turning the key.

    You’ll end up changing the switch if it is indeed worn out and no available key will work it reliably . Not too difficult but I suggest you take pics as you go

    If the luck does turn, get on replacing the cylinder asap. With working lock much easier job

    Qualifier. I own a 91f150 in metallic blue paint five speed w/4x4/302v6. Ok at one time the paint was metallic blue.

  • The side door way of finding a draw. Disconnect the battery Connect in series with the hot battery lead a 12v test light. It should light up if you’re drawing anything. Now one by one, start pulling and replacing fuses. If you are luckily youll isolate it. When you pull the forbidden fuse, the light should go off. If not so lucky all roads lead to an expensive bit. Best part-free fun afternoon attempting to save yourself beer money- for the next year