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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2020

  • when I was a lib I used to like The Daily Show because it was kinda cathartic to watch them mock conservatives.

    However I remember one episode where they were covering a story about students at Berkeley protesting the marines opening up a recruiting office on campus, and basically the entire segment was them shitting on these kids. The students were anti-war and didn’t want the US military recruiting future killers on their campus. The Daily Show even had their news correspondent Rob Riggle (retired marine) interviewing students and trapping them in ridiculous “gotchas” to make them look dumb. It was one of the first moments as a baby leftist where I was like “wait… why are they doing this? those kids are right to not want the military at their school.” And watching this thickneck piece of shit Riggle bully young people who obviously don’t know enough to “debate” him while a camera is shoved in their face was infuriating.

    Then later I watched Stewart perform at USO shows in Iraq and Afghanistan (among other places) to entertain these imperialist tools and I just lost any shred of respect I still had for him. He even had that awful “Rally to Restore Sanity” event in D.C. which was effectively a giant centrist circlejerk that accomplished absolutely nothing. I haven’t even paid attention to anything he’s done since but I’m not the least bit surprised that he’s still a dipshit.

  • Like another comment here touched on, if I’m not totally sure of the person’s politics I’ll usually just criticize the US/west from an anti-imperialist angle. It’s useful because actual comrades will quickly pick up on what type of person I am (and maybe agree or make similar comments themselves) while other people will usually either politely nod or change the subject.

    If it’s a situation where I really don’t want the people within earshot to know about my politics then I keep to uncontroversial statements. Like when the Ukraine conflict kicked off last year my coworkers were talking about it and while I wanted to say something about liquidating Nazis, I just said I felt bad for the innocents caught up in it and I hope it ends soon. Most people aren’t gonna give you shit for saying “I don’t want innocent people to die” lol.

  • Shortly after 9/11 I was seeing bumper stickers on cars that said “MUSLIM HUNTING PERMIT” with a picture of crosshairs over a brown guy wearing a turban. I also remember watching the news in 2003 which had a live feed from a US tank invading Iraq in real-time, and the news anchors were excitedly talking about how cool it was and how brave our soldiers were. Even at the time I was thinking “this is fucked”

  • some hilarious quotes from that thread:

    I wouldn’t want to be there right now on either side. But basically the Ukrainians are winning because their artillery is better. Once Ukraine moves their artillery within range of the highway along the Sea of Azov, the troops protecting Crimea will have their supplies threatened. This is the general plan and they’re getting closer.

    Russia is rapidly becoming a weak vassal state of China because of Ukraine. If that’s not leverage, I don’t know what is…the war is very stupid for Putin to continue.

  • All these media outlets trying so hard to avoid calling him a Nazi. “…fought with Nazi unit,” “…fought against the Russians in World War II,” “…belonged to anti-Soviet nationalist group,” and so on. Reminds me of when US news orgs report on police killing someone and they call it an “officer-involved shooting.”

  • Ever since I was younger, like before I was even radicalized, I’ve hated ads so much. There’s something very off-putting (and often insulting) about businesses constantly blasting you with their product or service.

    I used to really enjoy watching the NBA but now every time I try it’s just “Here are the Lexus™ Keys to the Game,” “Welcome to the half time show brought to you by Subway™,” ad breaks every two minutes of game time (and even more frequently towards the end of a close game), giant company logos on the court, or more recently logos on their god damned jerseys. It’s like you can’t watch any live event any more without having ads shoved in your face.

    Even when I’m watching/listening to something on my phone and an ad interrupts I will straight up mute the volume and physically look away just so I don’t see the ad. I agree with Yogthos that it feels like a “constant psychological assault.” I fucking hate it. Bless whoever invented ad block extensions on browsers because without them I would go insane.