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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • You’re setting ‘nam’ to whatever the output of the function called ‘input’ is. The string asking who are you is an argument to the ‘input’ function. What that function does happens to be that it prints its argument out to the console, waits for the user to enter text, and returns whatever text was entered as its output. I would recommend actually trying out the code and playing around with it if you want to understand it better.

    The other two functions you mentioned work similarly. The output of the function named ‘int’ is a new integer. Usually you will give it a number as an argument to set the value of that integer.

  • I have a Baratza Vario and an Aergrind, which are both pretty good grinders. The Vario is a much larger flat burr grinder, and I feel like there’s a pretty drastic difference with the taste of my aeropress coffee with it. Much less bitterness and a cleaner flavor. So I would say it’s worth it. That being said, I also feel like I stop tasting the coffee after a couple weeks with the same beans. So maybe it’s wasted money and effort in that regard. Regardless, I think you would do well with a Fellow Ode or a refurbished Vario