• evatronic@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I was on it myself for 4 years. And thank god too, as I got into a nasty car accident when I had it.

    There’s more to the ACA than the healthcare marketplaces. The law includes governing what healthcare plans must cover, prohibits canceling or refusing to cover thingsfor pre-existing conditions, requires health plans come with prescription coverage, and even demands health care plans spend a certain percentage of premium dollars paid on actual healthcare, essentially capping the profit margin of insurance companies.

    The millions of people that got healthcare because of the marketplace / subsidies are a win, but there’s even more people who were able to get coverage because insurance companies could no longer deny them. Prior to the ACA, for instance, people with T1 diabetes were fucked if they ever had a stint of unemployment, as they would loose coverage, and then when finding a new job, if they didn’t do it fast enough, would have to wait 6 - 12 months before the new employer’s plan would cover things like insulin. People with cancer would get all cancer-related treatments denied because their employer decided to exclude cancer treatments in order to keep premiums low. The ACA put a stop to that.