It is time for Congress to hold Tony Fauci responsible for crimes against humanity for the following reasons…

  • Tony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Health, is responsible for authorizing and initiating the Covid-19 vaccines under emergency use authorization (EUA), vaccines that have caused 300,000 excess US deaths;

  • Tony Fauci’s approval of Covid-19 vaccines, and his call to shut the economy down, caused $147 billion in damage to US economy;

  • Tony Fauci covered up the truth regarding the origins of Covid-19;

  • Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for telling Americans the truth about the origin of Covid-19

  • Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for promoting early treatment of Covid-19 and alternative drugs like ivermectin;

  • Tony Fauci is responsible for the 26.6 million US citizens who were injured directly from Covid-19 vaccines;

  • Tony Fauci is responsible for the over 1.36 million people disabled from the Covid-19 vaccines;

  • Tony Fauci lied in sworn testimony before the U.S. Senate, denying that his NIH sent millions to China to perform gain-of-function research—committing a felony;

  • Tony Fauci lied to the American people regarding the effectiveness of masks; knowing full well not one study shows masks prevent the spread of Covid-19; and,

  • Tony Fauci lied about the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines, telling Americans that they would protect against the virus, when they never did.

      1 year ago

      Yeah. At the same time, feels like a waste of taxpayer money.

      Need to bring back the good ol’ beheading and lynching for crimes of treason (which they committed by betraying the people while holding public offices).

      And televise that shit as an example so every other scumbag politician out there knows what to expect when they cross the line.