• hark@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Flush with cash, my ass. Also, mcdonalds is expensive as fuck.

    • rdyoung@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      If you think mcds is expensive you clearly don’t know how to eat there and you’ve definitely not eaten anywhere with real food. I try to keep my mcds to a min but when I am working and need something I can get out of there with spending like $6 tops, $8+ if I am feeling “fancy” and grab a frozen coffee with an extra shot.

      You’ve also definitely not noticed how packed even the more expensive steak houses are at pretty much all open hours. I’m talking the places where you can’t spend less than $200 for a meal for two.

      I drive for a living and I can tell you for a fact (in my neck of the woods) that the economy is doing just fine, people are doing okay, not as great as they could/should be but most definitely aren’t at poverty level.

      You lot need to start getting your data from sources that aren’t biased and aren’t trying to keep you pissed off so you keep reading the bullshit they call news.

      The stock market hasn’t been a good indicator of the economy for decades now. What is an indicator is what I was correcting a misinterpretation of. If you want to see how the economy is doing in your area, drive around downtown or the other hotspots like music venues and restaurants in the evenings and see how packed it is.