• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Ah, I see I was unclear on some points.

      I am not saying the author is a conservative making a bad faith arguement about Socialism. Quite the opposite. He’s a leftist making the strawman cold war anti socialist rhetoric and turning it up to 11 to be absurd. But this actually has nothing to do with the intention of the author. While Vonnegut was for the most part was known for his anti-war anti McCarthist bent not all of his catelog is cohesive. Harrison is one where his intentions, at least in his writing execution, were fairly grey. He was writing the Conservative conception of Cold War depictions of Socialism and civil rights advocacy but its one of those death of the author moments where the satire struck some perceived “truth” with a conservative audience. Knowing the author it is generally leftist is what allows you to unlock the actual possible intentions of the satire but that effect is sometimes negated due to an unfortunate habit of the polarized audience.

      Think of it as a Steven Colbert Report effect of satire. You expect absurdism to be recognized in a work based on external knowledge of the author and the level of over the top tricks you employ but your audience… If they exist on the other end of the spectrum doesn’t recognize who you’re making fun of because you instead miss the mark and create a warped mirror that makes you popular on both sides. Colbert, in character, was extremely popular in conservative spaces because he essentially masqueraded as an over the top demagogue and they took his satire as their own “sticking it to the libs”. This particular story ended up being so on the nose to conservative belief at the time that they took it and literally and are using it as their own propaganda.

      • DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
        9 months ago

        Yeah, definitely missed your meaning towards Vonnegut’s intent.

        And you would think he made it a bit obvious when Bergeron rips off his weights and declares himself Emperor, but as you say the conservatives typically don’t see that as an unreasonable attitude.

        • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          It is my fault for being too ambiguous in my phrasing.

          But yeah… Dude’s teacher going “and THAT’S Socialism” is essentially the effect at play. When you hit all the reinforced points of Conservative emotional reactive training with just a bigger hammer they don’t know to look for the cues that the author and the message are at odds. . A lot of the rhetoric of Conservativism is based more on vibe than on solid social or media literacy so if you just replicate the vibe the programming kicks in to stop thinking critically. They do recognize it as hyperbole… Most of the time. I have known some spectacular idiots

          You’ve probably noticed but all but the absolute most obtuse satire does not work on conservative audiences.