• afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    It doesn’t matter if the person who kills you does so because they believe their God believes you are obcene or if the person simply thinks you are mentally ill and endangering their convenience to treat you however they feel you deserve to be treated. They don’t even need to resort to dirtying their hands themselves most of the time. All they need to do is make life so endemically miserable that fighting to survive becomes insurmountable.

    I donate to the Trevor Foundation and welcomed my trans sister-in-law into our lives the same way I would welcome a cis woman. While I am far from perfect there are people making an effort and people who are making a effort the wrong way. There is a whole massive difference between secular groups being slightly not optimal but trying to help and religious groups actively working against you.

    You want to point the fingers elsewhere because you want to blame all the ills of the world on the Christians

    Please don’t try to mind read me, and I will return the favor.

    and there is a significant number of people of faith who are in this fight with us.

    I have never once in my life ever said being religious made a person evil. I have said repeatedly being a religious person makes it more difficult to be a good one. That is not the same. A person with one eye can still see, just not as well.

    While you might not share their beliefs they still deserve your basic courtesy but you seem to consider nothing but screaming at them like a rabid ape.

    I deal with Christians all the time. Hate the sin, love the sinner.

    • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Ah yes. Your trans relative. How very noble.

      Your condescension is grating. Stop making your religious trauma other people’s problem.

        • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          What the fuck kind of question is “Remind me who murders people like you”?

          I will remind you, you didn’t come into this conversation speaking calmly and plainly. You didn’t state your point in a respectful way that gave any benefit of the doubt as to where I was coming from, you flew in from left field to a reply I made to someone else with " Hey idiot, JESUS doesn’t EXIST!" sort of phrasing with the expectation that I was a Christian and your intention was to hurt and mock.

          You engaged with every point I made from the perspective that I only deal and support with Christian groups and once I mentioned I was trans you started trying to use that to twist the knife and push your point. Then pulled the “Well I have a trans person in the family so I am not a bigot” routine. Heads up that flies about as well as the “Well I have a racial minority in the family”. It’s using your daughter in law as your justification, reducing her to a shield in your arsonal and that is also not okay.

          My issue with you is not your beliefs. My issue is your angsty Christian Atheist teenager in full rebellion routine. Your rudeness and the anger that makes you lash out at even the mildest mention of “religion”. Would you have been so strident if I had been talking about Hinduism? Buddhism? Probably not because you make it pretty clear right off the bat you were hurt specifically and you have a score to settle and your aim is to give back whatever it is you got to anyone with even a fairly neutral opinion of Christians as a series of individuals. That isn’t an atheist perspective, it’s a trauma response. I used to behave the same way when I was a teen but I grew the fuck up and gathered some perspective and moved on with my life. I would hope you do the same.

            • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              What mind reading is needed? Even if I am wrong you give off the impression like a middle American Gen Xer. Entitled. Self assured. Old enough to figure people ahould respect you but also so very slightly out of touch and self satisfied enough that you have no proper sense of there being new tricks for your old dog to grock. Leftist or center left but comfortable. Some kind of professional career? Guessing it was either family or local community that turned you sour since that’s usually it. Temper on a hair trigger but with that distinctly male flavor where you have no idea how to back down because you don’t really know how to self reflect on bad behaviour and you have other people in your life to do the apologizing for you.

              That’s basically the impression. Take the strawman and have fun.