Since we’re all a bunch of active tankies over here, I wanted to discuss the usage of supplements.

In Belgium/The Netherlands the majority of the fitfluencers have convinced their young audience that you won’t be able to get ripped if you don’t take their 40 euro pre workout filled with near lethal amounts of caffeine.

Of course, you don’t need to take all these things in order to improve your physical health. I myself, for example, quit using supplements apart from some vitamin B and calcium supplements (mainly because I eat plant based food and you tend to get shortages of these two things faster). I used to take (vegan) protein shakes for a while but they always upset my stomach and I figured I might as well get my nutrients from food alone.

What kind of, if any, supplements do you take? And how does it benefit you?

    1 year ago

    I take a mixture of caffeine and L-theanine. The caffeine gives me a bit of mental energy to get me going and the L-theanine (green tea extract) keeps me from getting the kind of weakening jitters and anxiety.

    I took some supposedly testosterone boosting supplement in the past that contained several things but I found after about 6 months I leveled and it wasn’t having much effect.

    Creatine I found also helped significantly with my recovery time which is nice and compensates for my lack of knowledge of proper stretching techniques.