• Rev@ihax0r.com
    1 year ago

    I feel like Universities are like spinning disks in a computer their time is not long for this world.

    I don’t goto libraries for basic research. Sure libraries still server a purpose but I think covid taunt us we don’t need to shove a bunch of kids in a room to learn especially at the college level. Sure dedicated schools should still exist for doctors and engineers. But if you just want to learn about things we have the internet. Certifications / Bar exams could replace degrees for many professions.

    As a software engineer my degree didn’t mean much after my first job. Hell when I moved to California I was 1 of two people on the entire team that had a degree. The other guy had an english degree. Most everyone was sell taught.

    Just seems university schooling is wildly expensive for what we as a society get out of it. You have tons of people with degrees working minimum wage jobs unrelated to their field of study. They were sold a lie that if they got a degree regardless of what it was in they would make tons of money.