A pro-Palestinian protest action briefly blocked all traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Wednesday morning.

Starting at about 7:45 a.m. Protesters stopped cars and stretched banners across the roadway denouncing Israel’s bombing of Rafah in the Gaza Strip and demanding that the U.S. stop arming Israel.

Northbound and southbound traffic on the bridge was at a standstill as of 8 a.m.

  • Dontsendfeetpics@lemm.ee
    7 months ago
    1. Emergency vehicles are usually let through protest crowds and have contingency plans in place when there is a highway blockage. This was brought up during the oil protesters in the UK a couple years ago and it turned out no emergency vehicles were impeded from reaching their destinations. The point is to disrupt normal traffic flows.

    2. A good employer would reschedule due to the unforeseen circumstance. If they dock you over something that much out of your control in the interview process, they will absolutely fuck you over as your employer.

    3. That’s what customer service at airports are for. This is no different than a car accident on a highway blocking you from getting to your flight. There’s gonna be another flight. Call the airline and let them know you’ll need help with changing your flight schedule. I fly for work every month or so and shit happens. Leave early as if there’s gonna be the worst traffic imaginable and take an alternate route if needed.

    Being inconvenienced sucks. But more often than not the protest is over something much bigger than a day of being stuck in traffic. Protests that don’t cause a disruption aren’t heavily reported on and struggle to garner support or bring about change.

    Edit: every single one of you chuds downvoting me and upvoting this nerd would have bitched about civil rights protesters and celebrated when MLK was arrested in Birmingham. You wouldn’t even blink at students getting shot at Kent State. Bet you had your panties in a twist over Kaepernick’s kneeling during the national anthem. I hear X.com is a good platform for losers like you.

    These protests aren’t a job stopper for emergency responders. I know because I fucking meet with state and local governments for my job and we’ve run analytics on this very issue. I guaranfuckingtee not a single one of you know the first thing about how situations like protests are handled by local municipalities. Hope one day you have an important cause you care about and everyone clowns on you.

      • Dontsendfeetpics@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        It’s not common for ambulances to be blocked. Every protest I’ve been to or seen has made way for emergency vehicles when sirens are on. When paramedics are aware of a protest blocking a major artery, they usually will reroute. It’s an issue people use for virtue signaling that isn’t widespread, like the Seattle one where the vehicle was not using sirens or lights. Sirens turn on, people will move.

        Similar criticisms were leveraged toward Civil Rights protesters. When nothing else is working, civil disobedience is next.

        Ironically, not a single fucking article about the Golden Gate Bridge shutting down for commercial shoots gets attention. Hell, it rarely gets published beyond local papers, if at all.

          • Dontsendfeetpics@lemm.ee
            7 months ago

            Do you give a shit when traffic is blocked during a commercial shoot? What about for a car accident? How about traffic jams? No, you don’t. Backup plans exist for a reason. And there’s plenty of reasons for a bridge to close. How about you grow up and learn how the world works.

              • Dontsendfeetpics@lemm.ee
                7 months ago

                Oh do you? Well shit, what are you doing to help put an end to those things? How about you stop calling people murderers when you don’t know shit about them? You sound just like a pro-life activist. Get bent, chud.