The days of frictionless travel will soon be a memory.

Starting at a so-far-unspecified date in early 2024, Americans and residents of 62 other countries that currently enjoy visa-free visitation to the Schengen Area of the E.U. will need to pay a fee and submit an online application (including biometric information, work experience, medical conditions, and initial itinerary), then pass a criminal/security background check, before enjoying that croissant in gay Paree.

The grimly named European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) is projected to cost 7 euros per application and take up to 14 days to render a decision.

    1 year ago

    in gay Paree.

    good description for this attitude. especially considering how many migrants they’ve let in with no checks whatsoever. would make more sense for countries where migrants are from but doing this to ally nations is just fucking retarded