• TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’ve saved a few dozen kids from genital mutilation, that I know of.

    That’s probably my proudest achievement to date.

    I’ve also taught a good 50 people to whistle that never could before, and while that’s pretty low impact, it still makes me happy.

  • Dr. Wesker@lemmy.sdf.org
    4 months ago

    Starting my first position as a software engineer. I failed at continued academics, and essentially only had a GED. I’m not dumb, I just suck at traditional classroom environments.

  • helmet91@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I set the timer on the dishwasher to finish approximately when I get home after work. However, that day I didn’t really know what time I would get home, as there was an after-work BBQ event.

    When I arrived at home and stepped into the kitchen, the timer showed 0:00 and shortly afterwards it switched off.

    My proudest achievement in like two years.

  • Xanis@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I try to not talk about this, though I jumped into a river to save a man who was lying face down and clearly drowning. Unfortunately I did not get to him in time and the bank was far too steep, and the man a solid 6’0 200+lbs, to get him onto any sort of ground.

    Just proud that I tried and also proud that I didn’t allow the guilt to overtake me.

  • morphballganon@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I identified the biggest bottleneck in a solar panel factory and described how it could be more efficient to the Sr Manager of engineering. One month later, they implemented my plan, and output increased by about 15%. Thus, there are thousands more solar panels on Earth right now than there would have been without my unique influence.

  • Doof@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I was in a patient in a day program at a hospital. This program was different types of mental health information and tasks done in groups. One of those groups was about distorted thinking. You’d pick a random ball of paper and read out what it said. A guy pulled out one and read “I’m not worthy” my instinct was to to jump in and say “it’s funny, I hear that and I know it’s wrong and they are worthy but then I hear it and tell myself I’m not worthy.” I guess there was self awareness that I was trying to make them feel better while not derailing the conversation. I didn’t think much of it and about a week goes by.

    It’s a rotation of a few people join and a few others leave. This person day to leave he sits next to me almost in tears and thanks me. Said he saw what I did, but it hit him so hard he had to leave to cry in his car. He thanked me.

    It’s something I look at and feel pride because I didn’t do it for any other reason other than it just felt right. It’s something when I struggling I can tell myself you made ‘Jason’ feel worthy. Maybe I actually made a difference regardless if it was small.

  • Underwaterbob@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    I’ve been a hobbyist musician for the past twenty-something years. I got up the courage to release everything on Distrokid a couple years back. I’ve gotten 11 million listens! Which gets me about $40, but who gives a shit? People actually listen to my music. And not just the poppier stuff, some of my more popular tracks are the outre noise experiments. I thought I didn’t care about that until it happened.